Tobold's Blog
Friday, May 03, 2024
Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin

Back in September 2022 I backed Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin on Gamefound for $140 plus shipping. Of this, $99 was for the Kings of Ruin stand-alone expansion to Tainted Grail, while the rest was mostly for updating the original Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon and expansions to rules version 2.0. I now have started a Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon campaign twice, and never finished one. I never even started one of the first two expansions. So now Kings of Ruin arrived on my doorstep, and I am not even sure I'll ever play it.

The 1.0 version of Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon is a bit grindy. Rules 2.0 make it less grindy, but there were already a number of suggestion for rules variants in the original rule book, and for house rules on various forums to achieve the same goal. When using these, it turns out that the grind isn't the only problem of the game. The more fundamental problem of Tainted Grail is the combat system. Combat is fiddly and slow, and generally not much fun. That also makes character progression not much fun, as much of this progression is achieved by adding more cards to your combat deck. Even if you carefully thin out your deck to improve chances to draw these new and better cards, you still aren't sure to draw them in any given combat. The difficulty progression of the game over time means that while at the start of the game the combat is still okay-ish, with every further chapter into the game the health of the monsters you fight increase, and thus the length of combat increases. Thus you get into situations like just wanting to go on a quick hunt to replenish food supplies, and ending up randomly encountering a major threat, which then can take half an hour to beat. This is still playable in solo mode, or maximum two players, but with 4 players the slow combat is just killing the narrative flow of the game.

With neither the new rules nor the new expansion fundamentally changing combat, I am not sure that I will play Tainted Grail or any of its expansions again. This is also because since then I got other narrative adventure games with better combat systems. So I regret having spent that $140 plus shipping on the Kings of Ruin crowdfunding campaign. As I got the base game much later than most people, and then didn't really play it until after the crowdfunding campaign for the expansion (see my review here), that is obviously my own fault. I blame FOMO, the fear of missing out, where not being sure that I could get the 2.0 rules upgrade pack and expansion later made me decide to buy them before having played the original game fully. And that is a permanent risk with crowdfunding board games. By the time you receive the game you backed, your view or your situation might have changed, and you might feel very different about a game you earlier thought you must have.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024
A moving target

I am currently watching a “Let’s Play” of Medieval Dynasty on Youtube. That is a long game, and the streamer only did an episode every few weeks, and thus the overall series covers many real world months. During those months the game got patched and added to frequently, and thus every few episodes there are suddenly new features or changes. Most of them good, so the game is getting better over time, with better balance, more content, and more quality of life features. And I was thinking of games that I played on release, like Civilization VI, and which over the years added so many patches and DLCs that I would barely recognize them now, if I played them again. For which I sure don’t have the time anyway.

It makes me feel a bit torn. I see some advantages of playing a game on release: It’s the new hotness, and there is the most interaction possible with people streaming the game on Twitch, or other players discussing the game on various forums. But I am also seeing the advantages of waiting some time after release. For example, after having played some Medieval Dynasty, I am considering buying Sengoku Dynasty, a similar game from the same publisher, but different developer. That game released in August of last year, but on release still didn’t have all the features it has now, for example farming crops. And obviously, between Steam sales and key resellers, I can get Sengoku Dynasty now cheaper than I would have paid on release.

As I am still a content creator in a minor way, I also see this other aspect of playing a game early versus playing it later: Interest from the audience. It is less a problem for me, as I am not trying to make money from the content I create. But I see all those streamers playing Manor Lords now, because this is what is hot now, when I would consider that Manor Lords is one of those games that might better be played much later, in a year or so. I can see how a streamer doesn’t necessarily have the luxury of waiting that long, because it isn’t clear how many people will still want to watch Manor Lotds content in a year. As a consumer of such content I have to remark that sometimes it is hard to find new videos of last year’s games that show how a game has evolved since release. With the majority of content being created on release, it is as if the image of the game is frozen in time.

Waiting to play a game later is also a kind of gamble. Some games simply don’t get much better over time. Some “live service” games might even disappear completely while you wait for them to improve. Other games do improve, but that comes at a cost. Another reason why I wouldn’t want to dive back into Civilization VI is that to get the full Civ VI 2024 experience, I would need to spend a pile of money on DLCs. And it gets pretty complicated for a game with many DLCs to find out which of them are essential, and which of them don’t really add all that much to the experience. At my age, the added problem when waiting to play a game later is that I might simply forget about the game, being caught up in a flood of other games to play.

Overall, I find it difficult to perfectly time the moment when to best play any given game. It seems to me that there isn’t a general rule that helps to find the best moment for each game.

Saturday, April 27, 2024
The value of game pass

I tend to check my subscriptions from time to time, as you can easily forget you are subscribed to a long of services you aren't actually using. Only one of my subscriptions is one that provides games to me: The Xbox Game Pass for PC, at €9.99 per month. But as I played both more than €120 worth of games and spent more than 120 hours doing so, I consider this a subscription well worth having. But there might be value in this subscription beyond those parameters.

I just finished playing Manor Lords. I played it for 6 hours only, and in that time managed to win the scenario that requires you to build a large town, without an AI or bandits getting involved. As the AI and combat part is far from being finished, and I wasn't interested in the real-time combat all that much anyway, this was enough for me. I experienced all the currently existing city-building aspects of the game. And unless you play the game on the slowest speed in order to watch a lot while waiting, the game doesn't have more than 6 hours of content. I knew that, and thus I wouldn't have bought the game, neither for the regular price of €40, nor for the currently reduced price of €30.

That creates some sort of added value for me, in that the game pass enabled me to play the game, which I otherwise wouldn't have done. I probably wouldn't have played Starfield without the game pass either. There are so many games coming out these days, that it is easy to stick to just the safe bets, the games that have been reviewed very well, and which are in genres you know you enjoy. The game pass encourages me sometimes to step out of this comfort zone, and try something else, which I wouldn't have done if I had to pay extra for that.

Friday, April 26, 2024
We need to talk about age

While the legal retirement age in Belgium is 65, the average age at which Belgians actually retire is 61.8, more than 3 years less. While this gap is a record for the OECD countries, average actual retirement age in all of them is lower than legal retirement age. Germany increased the legal retirement age from 65 to 67, but average actual retirement age is still below 65. While of course every retirement is slightly different in the details and the motivation for the decision to retire, the perception that the driving force is always the old person wanting to retire is wrong. When approaching retirement, most people need to take a long, hard look at the financial aspects of doing so. Many companies offer early retirement packages, without which the average actual age of retirement would be significantly higher.

Live is different at 60 than it was at 30. You do have less energy, and get tired faster. You do have "senior moments", where you go somewhere and suddenly don't remember why you went in the first place. You aren't as much up to date with the latest news, or memes, or music, and tend to make references that younger people you talk to don't understand (Superman changing in a phone booth? What's a phone booth?). If you consider a typical job, where the company wants the employee to be energetic, quick on their feet, and able to work long hours, it is understandable that the company would prefer a younger person. Especially if that younger person earns less than the older person. And that leads to a perception of people in their 60's at some point becoming "too old to work".

In November of this year, the United States of America will have a presidential election in which the average age of the two candidates is 80. Partisan commenters argue that their candidate is "sharp", while pointing out the age-induced gaffes of the other candidate. But the sad reality is that both candidates are too old for the job. Both have shown signs of dementia in public, and being able to still pass a basic cognitive test isn't exactly a job qualification for becoming the leader of the free world. It was probably a good thing that JFK was 45 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and not 80, because we can be sure that the president didn't get much sleep during those two weeks, and was under a lot of stress.

Electing somebody around 80 to the office of US president also has a weird constitutional aspect: In American politics the office of the vice-president is considered to be some sort of a joke, and the vice-presidential candidates are selected as an after-thought in the presidential campaigns. But the probability of somebody around 80 dying of natural causes over the next 4 years is rather high. Actuarial tables suggest the chance could be up to 25%, although those tables are for the general population, and one might argue that a president gets better health care. Still, the probability that the 48th president of the USA will be one of the vice-presidential candidates of the 2024 election is certainly unusually high.

How do we bridge the gap between considering a 60-year old "too old" to do a regular job, and an 80-year old still young enough to perform one of the most important jobs in the world? Shouldn't there be a mandatory retirement age for politicians? It isn't just presidents, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are both only retiring at over 80, in the case of McConnell after showing serious age-related decline symptoms in public. How do we bridge the gap between companies complaining about a lack of skilled labor, while simultaneously giving early retirement packages to their most skilled people?

I think that retention of skilled labor could be achieved by replacing early retirement packages with age-adjusted job descriptions. Companies should have jobs for older people, in which their skill and experience is valued more, and the hours and conditions are adjusted to their diminished physical abilities. If you send two electricians to solve a complicated electrical problem, there would be no harm in one of them being old and experienced, while the other is young and energetic. Macro-economical it makes more sense to create value from experience than to draw an arbitrary "too old" line, just because the 60-year old isn't fully suited to do the same job as the 30-year old. With most OECD countries having serious financing problems of their pension schemes in the coming decades, that might be quite necessary. And maybe even old politicians could be given advisory roles, rather than being in the heat of the action.

Thursday, April 25, 2024
Medieval Dynasty - Weightless

I have been playing Medieval Dynasty this week, available on Game Pass. This is in part a survival crafting game, one of the many games I played recently in which your first action is to collect a stone and a stick to craft an axe. Medieval Dynasty also has a story with quests and side quests, and a citybuilding part in which you create a medieval village. It's a fun game, and it has an unusually wide range of gameplay settings, with which you can modify the game to your personal preferences.

One option I ended up using is turning my carrying capacity from 35 kg to infinite. I didn't exactly need infinite, just doubling the carrying capacity would have been okay. The standard carrying capacity, even when increased by buying or crafting a backpack, is just annoying, like in so many other games. Increasing carrying capacity was the only mod I used on Starfield, for example, because it had the same issue.

I assume the limit on carrying capacity is to provide some realism. Yeah, I can see how a person wouldn't be able to carry more than 35 kg of stuff with him all the time. But in Medieval Dynasty you are supposed to build a whole village. And the wood and stone needed to build a house weighs a lot more than 35 kg. It is enough work to have to log all those trees and gather all that wood and stone. It just gets annoying if your limited carrying capacity forces you to constantly go back and forth to transport those building materials.

In Medieval Dynasty there is an additional problem of carrying capacity due to the quests. Only when you accept a quest do you learn what exactly the NPC wants. If you already advanced your village a bit, very frequently the NPC will ask for something you have, like some leather. But because your carrying capacity is limited, you left your leather in a chest in your village. And now you need to walk for like 10 minutes real time back to your village, get the leather, and walk another 10 minutes to the quest NPC. The quests in Medieval Dynasty already require a lot of walking, and fast travel is too expensive to be practical in the first half of the game.

So I appreciate games which give me the option to remove or modify the limit to carrying capacity. A bit of inventory management can be fun, but if it gets too much, it just becomes a nuisance.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
I lied about Manor Lords

Two posts ago I said: "I won't be getting Manor Lords on April 26th". Today I'd say that this statement is probably not correct. Unless for some reason the 26th is extremely busy for me with something else, I might very well download and play Manor Lords that day. Sorry!

What changed? Well, it is a typical example of customer price sensitivity. They haven't announced a final price for Manor Lords, but it is rumored to be somewhere in the $30 - $40 range. And when I said I wouldn't play it, I meant that I had looked into the game, and decided that at this point in time it isn't worth $30 - $40 to me. So I won't buy it on Steam.

What I had totally missed was that Manor Lords is going to be available on the PC Game Pass from day one. Which I am subscribed to already. So while Manor Lords isn't technically "free", I will be able to download and play it on the 26th at no additional cost to me. That changes the situation. My main worries about Manor Lords are that the game is far from being finished, and I doubt it already has a lot of replayability when considering the large missing elements. I still consider it likely that I'll play Manor Lords once, and then leave it be until the game is finished, which might be years from now. But while playing it once for $30 didn't look like a winning proposition, playing the early access for free seems a lot better. Even if the game is taken out of the PC Game Pass library later, before it is finished, I'll have a much better feeling whether I'd want to buy it later. It's like playing the free Millennia demo at Steam Next Fest, which ultimately convinced me to buy the game, flawed as it still is.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Proof of originality in science

Over the last decade or so, media have been full of stories of scientific fraud and plagiarism. And a rather cynical thought crossed my mind: I don't believe that scientific fraud and plagiarism is on the rise; rather we have simply gotten better at detecting it.

I might be in a rather privileged position here: I have written a Ph.D. thesis and a number of scientific papers, but unlike most people, I can prove the originality. That is because I made my Ph.D. is synthetic chemistry; which means that my thesis and a number of my papers contain a description of how I synthesized new molecules, unknown to mankind before. And whenever somebody produces a new molecule, that molecule is officially registered and receives a CAS Registry Number. As these numbers are uniquely linked to the structure of the molecule, and there is a record of who published them first, I have pretty solid proof that I didn't just invent or copy my scientific writing. I can prove that I made that molecule and wrote about it first, and it is possible to verify that my described synthesis method results in that molecule.

In most other scientific fields, the principal product is ideas, not molecules. And while you can give a molecule a unique identification number, you can't do that with an idea. For a very long time that created a sort of stalemate: It was impossible for a scientist to prove that an idea he wrote was original, but it was equally hard for anybody else to prove plagiarism, unless the scientist plagiarized a well-known source. And a number of scientists wrote Ph.D. theses with the certitude that once they got through the process that awarded them their degree, nobody would ever read that thesis again. (I'm pretty sure nobody ever read my thesis since). So they took shortcuts. From a purely human point of view, I understand that: If you studied something in the liberal arts, coming up with an idea which is both brilliant and never thought of on a subject matter that has been studied for a long time isn't easy. It is a lot easier to make a molecule that nobody has done before than to write an interpretation of a work of Shakespeare that nobody has thought of before.

Some of the people who plagiarized then went on and made a career in the public view. They became politicians, or senior administrators for large academic institutions. And then, new technology evolved that allowed computers to "read" and analyze huge quantities of text. If you disliked a certain politician or senior administrator of a large academic institution, you could now do something which would have been impossible before: Take their thesis, which is a public document, and check it paragraph by paragraph against every other document in the public domain. Take their scientific papers, and check every picture in it against every other document in the public domain. That is still a lot of work, and nobody would dream to apply this to everybody alive who has ever published a thesis or scientific paper. But the practice of plagiarism apparently was always common enough that a plagiarism search against a specific target was at least worth a try. Do a Google search for "resigns plagiarism" and you'll get a long list of stories of various high-placed public figures having to resign due to their plagiarism having been detected. It is a pretty good method of political character assassination when it works; most people are ready to believe that somebody who cheated on his thesis must be a dishonest person. Very few of the stories even mention the accuser, or his ulterior motives in having looked for plagiarism.

While I understand the academic pressure of "publish or perish", I have a lot less understanding for the numerous scientists that have been found to fabricate false results, complete with photoshopped "proof". As Newton said, science sees further by standing on the shoulder of giants, by using established knowledge as a basis for further breakthroughs. People publishing fake results, especially in the medical field, risk wasting precious research time of other researchers trying to turn a medical result into a cure. Even worse are the fields of sociology and political science, where authors have been found to publish fake results in defense of their ideology. But that is a whole other can of worms, where a publication of a real result that contradicts current ideology is probably a higher risk for your career than publishing a fake result that people are comfortable with. Again I am not certain that scientific fraud is on the rise, or whether a simultaneous increase in people wanting to hurt other academics combined with better methods of AI detection just results in more stories being in the media today.

Monday, April 15, 2024
Manor Lords hype

Manor Lords is the most wishlisted game on Steam, with over 2 million people. It will be released into early access on April 26th, and this weekend a large number of streamers were allowed to show the current version. Manor Lords is a medieval village / city builder, with an RTS combat part that resembles a small scale Total War. It is the first game of a small indie developer (which started out with a single developer), and the expectations are high, as early versions of the game are extremely pretty. By having some variation of looks for identical buildings, and by allowing for curved roads and irregular shaped plots of land, the resulting villages look very organic. They can be zoomed into very far, and even walked through. It is all very promising.

However, the obvious promise lets people forget the even more obvious limitations. The general idea is that the game plays on a map with several regions, and these regions are populated by AI opponents, who can war each other. But in the early access version, the AI is still missing. You can only have an "external AI" opponent, who lives outside the map, but sends troops to claim regions, so that you can fight him. There are no AI villages being built anywhere yet. The diplomatic system is basically non-existing. And while you can already build nice little villages, there are features missing that would allow you to more easily manage larger villages and towns. You can certainly have fun in early access Manor Lords for some hours creating a pretty village and defending it against bandits and the "external AI". But right now there isn't much replayability.

I won't be getting Manor Lords on April 26th. The parts of the game that are finished are pretty, but offer only gameplay that a lot of other similar games already have. The innovative elements of turning your village into a barony at war with others are hinted at, but not yet implemented. Now of course it is totally possible that 2 million people buy the early access version, that the indie developer with the help of the more experienced publisher manages to use the money well to finish the game, and that in a year or so we get an absolutely brilliant and complete game. But there is absolutely no guarantee for that, and there have been numerous examples of an inflow of cash only leading to mission creep and bad project management. Having actual players means needing to deal with bugs in a timely fashion, and a level of support that can take away from development time. Development time is always longer than players hope, and might take years before a release version, which still might not be 100% of what is promised now. There is even a chance that the hype turns sour after people played the early access version for a while and notice how much stuff there is still missing. This is the quintessential early access game, a crowdfunding opportunity for a game with promise. People who expect more are likely to get disappointed.

Friday, April 12, 2024
What do I owe you? Or you me?

I now have both a YouTube Premium and a Twitch Turbo subscription. In both, I am basically paying to watch ad free, and the revenue from the subscriptions is divided between the platform, and the channels I watch. Thus I rarely feel the need to pay for an added subscription to any channel. Once a month I can hand out my free Prime subscription on Twitch. And Twitch has a strange culture of gift subs, where sometimes I get gifted a subscription. I even have been gifted a sub to a channel I don't remember ever watching. I might have been on that channel for a few seconds due to a raid without remembering it, and then somehow the random algorithm selecting the gift sub subscription beneficiaries landed on me.

The big question here is in an ecosystem of millions of content creators and billions of viewers, who is owing who what? Should the content creators whose channels I watch be happy about the revenue they get from my Premium / Turbo subscriptions? Or should they consider me a freeloader and I owe them a monthly subscription?

As a content creator myself, I never felt that any of my readers owe me anything. I appreciate your readership, and I appreciate comments even more. Having my voice heard is a reward on its own. But I can't help the feeling that my attitude is as outdated as the medium I use to create my content. I remember my surprise when I first heard a streamer saying that he was doing that as a full-time job, that was a concept unknown to bloggers.

Besides entertainment, I also get most of my news from the internet. And I have noticed an increasing trend towards paywalls here. I hate those! I use the internet to have access to a wide variety of different news sources, because you need to hear the same story from different angles to understand the biases. If I gather my news from 20+ different sources, I certainly can't afford a monthly subscription for each of them. But if I subscribe to one, I basically would be stuck to that one source, and wouldn't get any different views. The result is that I simply don't read certain news sources anymore, not willing to pay them a monthly subscription.

We live in a world where even your door bell might ask you for a monthly subscription. While each subscription sounds like a minor sum, if you subscribe to everything out there you can spend a fortune, without actually realizing where your money is going. I am not poor, but I can't afford to subscribe to every streamer I watch, every news source I read, plus paying monthly for internet access, streaming services, and the Game Pass. There are too many sources, and as a consequence I don't spend enough time with each source to justify a subscription.

Thursday, April 11, 2024
Done for now with Millennia

It is A.D. 1909, turn 350, and my colony ship just blasted into space, winning me the game. I played through all ten ages, choosing the standard version of the age each time, and the age of departure as the last victory age. Most of the game was fun, but the age of departure is about collecting 5,000 points for your colony ship with production, which mainly consists of pressing the end turn button. I don't know how long this run took, but overall I have now 88 hours played in Millennia, so I am well over my 1 hour per dollar spent requirement. I think it is time to give the game a rest, and hope for some patches, plus the DLCs announced for the second half of the year.

One lesson that I applied successfully in this run was that you can't play too peacefully. The AI is grabbing land quite aggressively, and as long as he thinks he is stronger than you, the AI will bully you. Let the AI start a war, conquer a few regions from him, offer peace, and you'll have a much nicer neighbor for the rest of the game. I didn't take any warfare national spirits, but I did keep my military research up, and a good number of troops around. That is also very helpful in the otherwise quite annoying age VII, the age of revolution, where neutral rebels suddenly pop up everywhere to steal your cities.

The one feature promised for the next patch that I am looking forward to is the ability to raze a vassal city. Right now you can only raze neutral cities, but if you take a city from the AI, it becomes your vassal, and you can't get rid of the region, even if you could use the space better for your existing regions. I have tried many different runs and different strategies, but a lack of space is a constant. That is really annoying, because the whole city-building aspect of Millennia with its goods chains is somewhat falling flat if you don't have the space to build it.

While I had a lot of fun with Millennia, it ultimately doesn't overcome the problems that other historical 4X games have. The start of the game is fun, but at some point your territory is established, and the whole thing kind of bogs down. Then you can either go for a military victory or peaceful victory, but the end game is always a lot slower and more cumbersome.

Monday, April 08, 2024
Games at release

Once upon a time, this was "Tobold's MMORPG Blog". So I played a lot of MMORPGs. Not only did I play some MMORPGs for thousands of hours, I also played a great number of different MMORPGs to try them out. And among the community of people who played lots of MMORPGs on release, there was a running gag: How bad is release day going to get? Because absolutely every MMORPG release had a bad launch. In some cases it was just login queues and some lag. In other cases the games were completely unplayable in the first week.

Fast forward to 2024, and the discussions I see about the releases of games have very much changed. There is an expectation of perfect launches now. If the latest released game has less than 60 frames per second on older computers, there is a huge outcry, and the game will be review bombed. If the game developers or publishers announce any sort of further monetization, be it DLCs or micro-transactions, the game will be review bombed. If the game isn't perfectly balanced and polished, it will be review bombed.

The modern media culture of the internet and social media, where outrage means clicks, which means ad revenue, is in part to blame for that. And the result is a lot of fake news. If you followed the gaming news, you'll be aware that Capcom's latest release, Dragon's Dogma 2, was review bombed for various heinous crimes, from performance issues, to microtransactions, to bad game design decisions. But if you scratched beyond the surface, you found that some of the outrage-creating headlines were simply not factual. And the Steam reviews follow a now increasingly common trajectory: Mostly negative at launch, when all the outraged people review bomb the game, and then the review score constantly increases over time, when people who actually played the game give their opinion. Dragon's Dogma 2 had 228,585 players concurrently at launch, and the numbers aren't declining particularly fast. That is not a bad launch. For most players the performance of the game isn't game-breaking, the micro-transactions turned out to be completely unnecessary to play the game, and the weirdest bad game design decisions have been fixed in the first major patch.

The danger here is that between the outrage media reporting and the review bombs it becomes very hard to distinguish truly unplayable game from games that are actually rather good, but have a few flaws. It seems as if the whole world has become increasingly unable of differentiate between shades of grey, everything needs to be either black or white.

Saturday, April 06, 2024
An achievement, kind of

I don't generally care about achievements in games. But yesterday I couldn't help but notice that I got a Steam achievement for Millennia, that only 0.1% of players have reached: Age of Old Ones. Which is hard to reach, because you need to play incredibly badly to get there. In the Age of Renaissance you need to get to a negative culture income, which is easiest achieved by integrating a lot of vassal cities. Once you have played 20 turns with negative culture, your next age is locked to Age of Heresy. Of course, like always, you need to stay ahead of the AI opponents to reach the age first, which is why I played on medium difficulty.

In the Age of Heresy you must then deliberately destroy your improvements, so as to *not* fulfill your regions needs. That spawns cultists and cultist leaders. Once you reach 30 cultists in your region, the previously invisible Age of Old Ones locks as a new crisis age. Unusual, because normally you can't have a crisis age after another crisis age.

The Age of Old Ones is also a victory age: When you are the one to trigger it and reach it, all these cultists in your regions and in all the AI nations' regions come under your control. Suddenly you have a huge army, which doesn't need to be paid. So you just need to gather them into stacks, and attack everything. A bit tedious, but funny to do once. Although I am not convinced that this was game development time well spent, as very few people will ever see this. Until you read up on how to reach the Age of Old Ones, you are extremely unlikely to stumble into it by chance.


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