Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
How to get into a raid guild

For entertainment value, here is how you get into Ad Nauseam, a raiding guild on Runetotem (Euro), Horde side. They recently recruited with the following ad:

Due to some people leaving the game entirely for getting too busy in their real lives, Ad Nauseum is now recruiting following classes:

2 Priests (no, we do not need the shadow-variety but thanks for asking)
1 Druid (Innervate is purrty, consider having it!)
1 Warlock
1 Hunter
1 Shaman (please do have atleast NS)
1 Rogue

Applicants should come well-geared (blue gear, Dire Maul items/Tier 0 set might work), they should have decent Fire Resist (atleast 100 unbuffed, preferably more and this does not mean rogues in Volcanic crap sets). Those who have taken time to farm Nature Resist pieces from Maraudon will be appreciated too.

Our raid schedule is fairly heavy and we do not take lack of attendance kindly. Hence, you should be around atleast 5 nights / week on average. Naturally RL circumstances may prevent this at times, but still high attendance is a requirement, not a bonus.

Interested? Well, the recruitement is already closed again. But they did have an example for what kind of application would have gotten you into the guild:

Writing an application a little like this might get you in:

Name: Mentalslaveofnauseum

Molten Core access:Yes
Onyxia access:Yes
Blackwing lair access:Yes
First Aid 300:Yes

Current talents:8/0/43
Willing to respec?:Yes.

Play hours: Online 25hrs/day, 8days/week

Gear:Optimized raid healer gear consisting of mostly Dire Maul loot and some parts of the blue class set.

Previous guilds: None, they were not worthy of me!
Previous raid experience: No, but I am a fast learner.
Previous MMORPG experience:Yes, EQ for several years, muds before that.

Internet connection:1mb adsl

I'm a true WoW addict who wishes to participate in the endgame PvE content preferably several times a week. I am interested in learning how to play my class to it's full effectiveness and I wish to find new friends among your guild. Some of them I have met over time on Battlegrounds and some 5man instances, yet I can't name one over the others for reference. I have a sense of humour, yet I lack much content in my life, thus I can attend extremely often and will not spend my days whining over whatever little things people tend to whine about.

I would automatically reject any guild whose GM and/or majority of officers weren't healer types. Takes some balls to demand priests be Holy spec when you dps or tank for a living.
Raid content <> Endgame
And the sad thing is I don't actually find this terribly amusing or even mildly shocking.
Dude that's funny.
I found "I lack much content in my life, thus I can attend extremely often" very funny, especially if you say that you are looking for people like that.

The "attend 5 raids per week" requirement is less obviously funny. If you do attend 5 raids a week already, you find this obvious. If you have problems arranging your real life in a way to attend to 1 raid per week, a demand for 5 sounds preposterous.

What I find most sad is how this says "come prepared with everything for raiding, because we won't help you getting keys/blue gear/etc." Given the difficulty of getting all these requirements together without a guild, this is basically an invitation to get your old guild to help you to this point, and then leave.
See I don't view that key/blue item gathering as difficult. I did almost of mine without any guild support per se (and I did do all of it without any guild support for my Paladin). PUGs are ugly but when they work, they work. PUGs for Onyxia key steps (BRD, UBRS-blood), PUGs for instances (getting blues), PUGs for MC & BWL attunement. It's not *that* hard. Not at all.
On the positive side, these kids may be learning the importance of a good resume and how to put on a good face for interviews, if the guild interviews, and/or performance tests if the guild tries the player out on raids before full invitation. Might help in the real world ...

Yeah, I'm stretching to find a positive. *shudder* guilds and gameplay that's like RL work!
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