Tobold's Blog
Sunday, April 01, 2012
EVE Online empire space becomes safe

Well, there was bound to be some fallout from the Mittanigate affair. Apparently several players complained about being harassed, and CCP got under legal pressure to provide a harassment-free environment for those who didn't want to participate in the wars and treacherous politics of EVE Online. Thus they announced a rule-change that from the next patch on empire space will actually become *really* safe. No more suicide ganking possible, players in the safe sectors simply can't PvP at all any more. Even the usual tricks of getting a new player to flag himself for PvP by picking up "a gift" floating in space won't work any more. Empire space simply won't have any PvP at all any more, and those who want to PvP need to fly to Null-Sec.

While lots of players on the EVE forums are rather outraged about the "trammelization of EVE" and think this will destroy the game, the change does provide legal cover for CCP. Somebody like the guy being harrassed by the Mittani can now peacefully mine without fear of being ganked. And there is a very clear line between "safe" and "dangerous" sectors, instead of the wishy-washy assurance that empire space is "more or less safe, unless it's Hulkaggeddon day". CCP can thus clearly demonstrate to the authorities that players are safe from harassment until they ask for it.

And happy 1st to you too Tobold ;)

You would have gotten me had it not been for one of my other blogs, whose prank was far more obvious, you would have gotten me ;)
Got me :)

Good job! :)
That's kind of a shame; I thought the way it worked before was brilliant. But CCP has coddled vermin like the Goons for far too long, and this is the result, made necessary by the legal ramifications of letting bullies run rampant.
For a moment, I thought, "Yes! Finally! After all, there's more than enough other space to grief in!"

Then I realized what day it was.

For shame, Tobold, for shame. ;)
For a moment, I thought, "Yes! Finally! After all, there's more than enough other space to grief in!"

Then I realized what day it was.

For shame, Tobold, for shame. ;)
Terribly bad form carrying out an April's Fool after 12 Tobers old chap!

Ironically enough these changes are probably the ones that would get me to try out the game!
Ha ha, good job Tobold!
Ack! Fooled!
If I hadn't played EvE as long as I have, and I didn't know more of the internal politics there, I might believe this. CCP isn't quite that stupid, and they like to listen to the griefers over carebears any day.
I feel harassed by your blog. Where can I get legal advice ? *cry*
I fell for it at first too.

Vaguely relatedly, I bet more people quit because of some expensive cosmetic-only monocle than the actual, abominable behavior of prominent members of the community. Priorities, eh?
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