Tobold's Blog
Monday, November 28, 2005
Dragon Quest VIII in Europe?

I stumbled upon a review of the newly released Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for the PS2, which sounds as if this would be a game I'd like to play. So I surf over to to order it, and find they don't have it. Turns out the game was released only in the United States for now. Europe might get it in "Spring 2006", or it might not, at least there is no place you can already pre-order it.

This is annoying. I can't buy the US version, because the US Playstation 2 games are not compatible to my European PS2, in spite of my TV being able to display NTSC. And I can't see why there is no simultaneous release for US and Euro versions of games, at least for the English language version. As it is, I feel like living in the third world, game-wise, after Japan and the USA.
This was a big problem for me back in the SNES days, and I took to importing cartiges for Final Fantasy 3 (US title) and Secret of Mana (which eventually appeared over here about 18 months later).

When it came to getting an N64, the situation had been so bad for RPG conversion on the SNES I just got a US console from the off. Same with the N64 - though it is alot better now.

The Playstation is "chippable" - but finding someone to do it in Europe might be fun after Sony started sueing anyone that performs such a service on the grounds on preventing piracy :o

Looks like your going to have to pray they release it over this side of the pond...or import a US playstation along with the game :P :P
See if you can order a modded PS2 from Australia where it is thankfully quite legal to mod chip your game consoles.
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