Tobold's Blog
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Closing doors

I'm having a lot of fun with Kyroc at level 57, feeling as if I have endless possibilities. There is a lot of high-level content in World of Warcraft. And then I compare that with characters who are level 60 since a while, like Raslebol who has over 16 days played at level 60, and see how the possibilities have diminished. It is as if there are lots of open doors ahead of Kyroc, and they are closing one by one the longer you play at level 60.

Going to a dungeon for the first time is great fun, and usually you can find lots of loot there which is an improvement for you. But once you did the same dungeon several times, you know every corner of it, it gets boring, and the chance of finding any good loot is decreasing with every piece you already found. At some point the door of that dungeon virtually closes for you. You *could* still go there, but there isn't much of an interest any more. And if everybody else in your guild is more or less on the same circuit, the whole guild moves on to the next level of dungeons and never looks back. You'd need to wait a couple of months until you have forgotten most about the dungeon, or even better, level another character up who could still use the loot from there.

Some of my D&D friends even skipped the lesser level 60 places, because of their guild, and headed more or less directly for Molten Core. I told one of them about my adventures in BRD, and he said he just went there once in a 20-minute raid to get the attunement to MC, and that was it. And now that he has lots of epic gear from Molten Core, he doesn't see any interest in visiting places like Scholomance or Stratholme, and only does UBRS for the Onyxia key quest chain. Closing doors before you even went through them is a very bad idea, you miss half of the high-level content the game has on offer. I just hope I can persuade people to do all the different high-level dungeons with Kyroc. I don't want to go on an eternal "farm stuff in preparation for MC, do MC, farm gold to pay the repair bills from MC" treadmill that I see so many others on.
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