Tobold's Blog
Thursday, March 16, 2006
DDO review in the press

I hadn't thought of it before, but the move of MMORPG news into the mainstream press might mean that I'll be out of a "job" as blogger soon. The evidence for this claim is this DDO review in the Canadian Press. While I would have gone a bit more into the details of gameplay, I agree with basically everything in that review, and some things I couldn't have said better than this paid journalist. Scary, when the professionals are taking over.

Fat chance Tobey. Everything in that article was common knowledge in the blogosphere a few months ago.

The antique media is just that. Antique.
Agree with Stormgaard completely. Every week, the NYTimes has an article about something abotu blogging, or tech, or gaming, which we all read on blogs months before. But, hey, it is new to the Wichita crowd.
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