Tobold's Blog
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Incoming! Patch 1.11

According to WoWInsider the patch 1.11 is being applied today. Or tomorrow if you are playing on an European server like I do.

It will be interesting to see how the world event goes this time. The last world event, opening the gates of Ahn'qiraj, wasn't a big success in my opinion. By having most of the action happening in one zone, Blizzard only managed to demonstrate that if half of the players online assemble at the same place, you get unbearable lag and server crashes. But apparently they have learned and the Scourge invasion will take place in many different zones at once.

The biggest chunk of added content with the patch is the Naxxramas dungeon, which 99% of the players won't see before the end of the year, when going there with level 70 characters is hopefully feasible. So for casual players and weekend raiders like me, the big changes are the reworked talent trees for mages and shamans, the added flightpaths for Ratchet and Un'goro, and most important: the keyring. All of which are very nice. So let's hope for a smooth patch process and a lag- and crash-free world event, and everybody should be happy for a while.
With new quests in EPL, we can expect a laggy gankfest for the first couple of days I'll betcha.
Funny enough my current "main" character is in a Forsaken RP guild whose purpose is to fight the scourge. So this will be fun for us. It is also nice they're adding those letters you can find on the bodies that they wrote while they were alive. Those weird little touches are nice for RPers (on the other hand, I've already read them all on the forums).

If only Blizz took this opportunity to add what I've wanted for awhile: forsaken versions of other races. I figure: the plague can spread a little with this new invasion. That should not break lore. I would so roll an undead gnome lock if I could!
Mark my words, I'm sure you're guild will be in Naxx before the year is out.

P.S. According to wow insider the items that used to only be able to stack to 10, can now stack to 20. That Ought to be a real nice space saver~ :)
Scourge invasion already was tested during "end of beta"
Day 1.
Got attuned, Saw Naxxramas, and it was good.
I play on Rexxar, which crashed constantly last night so didn't really get to did stacks of everything change? i.e. potions now go to 10 from 5? Also, can you give a clueless person's explanation on how to do the keyrings? I have no idea if you simply get a new bag or what...
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