Tobold's Blog
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Back to casual

Sometimes problems just solve themselves, given a little patience. I was unwilling to leave my leet Alliance guild, because I date from a time (Everquest) where leaving a guild was considered unloyal, a bad mark on your character. But yesterday night I log on to find that the guild has been disbanded by the guild leader. Most members formed a new guild, but informed me that they couldn't invite me, because they already had enough priests. Great! I didn't really fit in with them anyway. It was an interesting experience to hang out with the leet crowd, but ultimately they thought that I was some kind of joke, while I was secretly thinking the same of them. A guildmaster who burns out and instead of handing the guild over to somebody else just disbands it and deletes the guild website? Come on!

So I was thinking, what exactly do I want from a guild? Besides guild chat, I think the main function of a guild is to provide each other with a trusted pool of people to group with. So for my Alliance priest I rather need a nice guild which is doing 5-man instances together, instead of a leet raiding guild. At that point I remembered the people I was in BRD with, nice players of which 3 were from the same guild. So I found out who their guildmaster was, and started chatting with him. Turns out they do 5-man instances every day, and they are short of healers. Guild outlook is more on the mature and friendly side than on the uber-achiever leet side. Just what I was looking for. So I applied and joined a new guild.

We already did a first expedition to Stratholme, Scarlet side, together. It was refreshing to play with people who know how to play their class, but don't know all of the dungeons inside out. We ended up making the typical newbie mistake for Stratholme: Getting distracted by all sorts of events and side quests, and advancing too slowly. So when we got wiped at the cannon master, and had to run back, we found that everything had respawned, and we couldn't get back to loot the guy. As it was getting late, we decided to stop there and try again another day. Good that the Alliance is getting shamans in the expansion. Pallys not having self-rez is a distinctive disadvantage.

Well, anyway, it seems I am back to the original purpose of that Alliance priest, doing 5-man instances. Somehow it is more fun to do these places when you can actually use the loot. Would have been easier to do Stratholme with my full epic Horde priest, but then, what would have been the point in that?
It would be great if guilds could be rated along a few categories:

Casual vs. Hardcore
Age of players
Recruiting or not

But there are more important characteristics which are harder to measure:

Social interaction

So guilds become a very opaque market, where the customer (player) has to find the right one through mostly friends and PUGs.
See Tobold, the universe works in mysterious ways. You may think that the GM disbanding the guild was childish, but it worked out in your favor-or so it would seem- so I say run with it and have a good time.
That's one reason Warlocks are valued so highly on the Alliance side. No Shaman means soulstone and Pally DI are the only ways to save a wipe (other than Hunter/Rogue FD/Vanish and jumper cables).
personally one of the most awsome trinkets i see for pallys and priests is twisting nether, not 100% but hey.. i'll take any chance to self rez.
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