Tobold's Blog
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Pondering my options

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?". "Well, I think so, Brain, but if World of Warcraft ends at level 60, what do you do then?". Or something like that my two favorite mice would have said. My Alliance priest is level 60, and I'm not sure what to do next. So I did some pondering on my own:

Option A is always starting a new character from level 1. This is certainly something I still want to do at some point, as there are classes like mage which I would like to play but haven't had the time for yet. But for the moment I have to postpone option A, because the timing isn't right. If I start a new character now, I won't get him to level 60 before the Burning Crusade comes out. And what's worse, I would have to play him in one of the old races, where I already know all the quests. Waiting for the expansion is much better, as then I can play the new character with a new race and see new quests.

Option B would be to continue playing my Alliance priest. Now if I was in a nice guild, I would consider that. Unfortunately it becomes more and more apparent that my current guild is only interested in MC+ high-end content. They don't even want to go to Zul'Gurub, much less to Stratholme, Scholo, Dire Maul, and so on. I'm not even sure they'd let me come to MC with them, as they have enough healers with better gear, I'm just the reserve for the day when some of them are missing. And why would I even want to go to MC with an underequipped and underappreciated Alliance priest, if I could go to MC with a well equipped and needed Horde priest? Playing the two at level 60 is pretty much identical.

Option C is to play my Horde priest. I think I will do that at least part of the time. My Horde guild needs healers, I like to be useful, perfect fit. I'm getting a bit bored of raiding MC, but I haven't seen other raid dungeons all that much, and could switch focus a bit. And when not raiding, there are still other things to achieve, for example I would like to have a better Cenarion Circle faction, thus I could do some faction grinding in Silithus. I could also visit more 5-man dungeons with him, would be interesting to see whether that gets a lot easier when running around in full epic gear. Silly as it is, I would kind of like to finish the tier 0.5 upgrade quest series, even if I don't need the armor.

Option D is to play my Horde warrior. Which is another good option I will most probably try. I kind of miss him, and playing a warrior is a nice change from playing a healer. I changed my talent build to fury dps warrior, and am interested how that works out in solo, group, and raid play.

Option E is to take one of my existing alts and level him to 60. Most of them I lost interest, the hunter and paladin got stuck at level 30. The shaman would be a possibility, he is already past the stupid Stranglethorn hole levels, and is getting into the levels where the game gets interesting again. The gnome warlock would also be nice to play again, but he is stuck on a French server. I might move him to the same server as my Alliance priest as soon as that one opens up for transfers. Again the warlock is level 40, and is getting into the good levels.

Option F is to quit World of Warcraft, and restart when the expansion comes out. I don't think I'll do that. It isn't that far until the Burning Crusade, and it is easier to keep playing. As long as there is still something to do, and no better game around, I'll stick to what I have.
You forgot BG twinks.
Or switch guilds with your alliance priest - it sounds like you don't know the people in the alliance guild anyway, and guild loyalty is overrated. Find a guild that needs a lv60 and is just starting to do 5 mans. You would be a god.

What he said. Dump the hardcore guild and go and find some people who actually want you around.
Do you have an Epic Mount? Make yourself some gold (not literally, not even alchemists can do that), grind Honor & Faction with the Stormpike (or whatever the Horde equivalent is, if you choose to do so on the Horde side) and get yourself an Epic Mount :)

Just another short term goal to work towards.
If you are interested in saving up for an epic mount then you could always become an auction house trader. Just like in real life you can make money faster buying low and selling high than just about any other way. It is not every bodies cup of tea. Instead of doing heroic quests you are pouring over spreadsheets but it can be strangely compulsive once you get into it. Before I quit WOW it was probably my favourite aspect of the game and I wasn't even a totally committed trader. I spent about 20% of my time in the AH and made 80% of my money from trading. The really nice thing about the AH is that Blizzard has not imposed any artificial limits: Even a level one character who has a nose for a bargain can amass a fortune of 1000's of gold. I used the auctioneer add on but I am sure there are others and the add on is no substitute for good business acumen nose.
It's worth getting your alts to the right level so you can have all the different transmutes (arcanite, mooncloth, refined deeprock salt), I think that's 35.

Not only are they nice little earners, but it's not too hard to get them to that level and it's about the right level to give you a good idea of how the chars will be in end game.
I was going to say:

Option G - PvP with one or more of your characters.

Personally, I find AV to be good times. I'm currently PvPing with my 28 Warrior, purposefully not leveling her to 30 for a while. Goin' to try for Honored/Revered with AB/WSG first.
Capn Jon, actually Alchemists /can/ make gold (from iron at skill 225), but as you'd expect in the real world, the economy doesn't allow this to be profitable.

I've never seen anyone use it, and I assume Blizzard added it for color, good color is one of the things that keeps players subscribing for a few more months after they start to run out of interesting stuff to do. e.g. I'm sure I'm not the only to literally laugh out loud when they realised that the farmers in Hillsbrad are Melon Farmers (Google search that phrase if it means nothing to you) ...
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