Tobold's Blog
Monday, October 09, 2006
WoW Journal - 9-October-2006

Things are getting desperate, I find myself doing more and more PvP. :) After getting my warrior to revered with the Frostwolf, and not being sure yet whether exalted is worth the grind, I went to Alterac Valley with my priest instead. Although Horde always loses AV, I kind of like the place. And my Horde priest really could use the 10% vendor price reduction for being Sergeant, as he is buying tons of sacred candles every week for raiding.

Now my priest is holy spec, and you wouldn't think he was any good in PvP. But surprisingly he ends up being a lot more fun to PvP with than the warrior. Except for his ridiculous bow, the warrior has no ranged attack, so he is forced to be always in the middle of the enemies, and so he dies a lot. Especially since most of the damage dealt in AV is by magic, and the warrior has no defence against that. A holy priest can not only cast spells from a distance, he also survives magic attacks better with the help of dispel magic, his bubble, and healing spells. His psychic scream works a lot better than intimidating shout, and has a much shorter cooldown; I even managed to ninja graveyards by fearing the NPC guards and taking the flag before they were back. And of course I spent some time healing warriors in the middle of a melee, provided I could identify who the warriors were. As for the priest the goal is to get to honor rank 3, and I don't target a specific faction, I might try Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin with him this week as well.

Other than PvP, my Horde priest spent 5 hours straight wiping against Firemaw in Blackwing Lair. I had missed this weeks first part of BWL, where they took down the first three bosses, so this second raid to BWL went straight to Firemaw and did nothing but that fight over and over. We never won, we need more training and more fire resistance gear. The fight is highly complicated for a healer, because you are supposed to stand in a way that you have a line of sight to the tank you are healing, but not a line of sight to Firemaw, who is stacking a nasty fire damage debuff on everybody in view. That is trivial as long as the tank and Firemaw don't move, but unfortunately they refuse to stand still, so you always end up either having no LOS to the tank, or getting damaged by Firemaw.

The other raid this weekend was more successful, farming Molten Core in less than 5 hours from start to finish. We had one wipe on an overly enthusiastic trash mob pull, 4 groups of trash mobs is a bit too much, but killed all the bosses on the first try. Majordomo dropped the Eye of Divinity, and while I was on top of the priest DKP list, I declined and passed it to the next priest in line. I like my Will of Arlokk, it looks a lot better than Benediction. And even if I had the Eye of Divinity, I would need to spend a fortune on the Eye of Shadow, do a very difficult quest, and then spend another fortune getting the new staff enchanted. Maybe another time, but other priests wanted the thing much more than I did. Turned out to be a good decision, because by passing on the Eye I was still on top of the DKP list when Ragnaros dropped his pants, uh, I mean dropped my pants, the leggings on transcendence. My second tier 2 item, I hope that in one of the next BWL raids I can pick up a third and get the very nice 15% mana regeneration while casting bonus.

I didn't play my Alliance priest at all this weekend, except for logging him on for a ZG raid which didn't take place due to lack of participation. The guild I am in is small, and very nice, but inefficient. And as I already said, playing an Alliance priest at level 60 isn't really a change from playing a Horde priest. So right now this priest only has a future as a guinea pig, he already has mining and a store of ores and gems to test out jewelcrafting. My Horde priest just dropped enchanting to learn mining, but still has tailoring, and I need to find out whether I can keep tailoring in combination with jewelcrafting, or whether I need the mining / jewelcrafting combo.
Tip: Priest Epic Q isn't that hard. The eye can be farmed as the drop chance has been increased. The quest itself can be done with fellow friends to help. I know its not supposed to but it works that friends can help healing here.

As for Firemaw tactics: the room before the technicians is an ideal place for him. The raid stands in the nest besides the door to that room and the tank inside the technicians room just at the door where you barely can see him. You can heal him but firemaw doesnt see you as hes inside the room. Healers dont get the stacked buff that way.
For the wingclip you need off tanks or other tanks behind or at the side of the boss who spot him a few seconds before the wingclip comes. Tip: EnemyCastbar add on, it shows the boss abilities much better that the Boss Mods of CTRaid.
Healers inside the room take care of the off tank. They can hide behind a pilalr at the wall which is right between the room where thr aid stands and the technician room. Thats where rogues also hide to cool down the stacked buff.

Once you get the hang of it hes pretty easy. I hope all of you have the Ony cloak.
I'm in a "casual" raiding guild which is making the transition to BWL. The idea is that we'd be able to cover MC on one evening, while learning BWL an alternate day. I'm curious what some of your keys to success in clearing MC in 5 hours are? Do you always have a full 40 man raid at the start? Is the raid generally well geared (i.e. have most of the tier 1 raid gear or above). I think the issue my guild runs into is real-life (as in work in the morning) taking priority over downing that next boss. Just curious what your keys to success are in being able to proceed so efficiently.
Perhaps you can encourage a party of five to farm the Eye of Shadow with you. It is random drop, so I can't promise you this. But in my experience its taken an hour to come across one.

The Benediction is such an awesome staff for a healing priest. And it is something that you don't really have to replace for a while. Priests who have downed Kel'Thuzad (last boss in Naxxramas) are still using them.
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