Tobold's Blog
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Now more famous than Yahoo!

Any sort of mapping the blogosphere or measuring it, even on a limited subject, is bound for failure. The best approach would be to admit that it is really, really hard, and to give up on it. The worst approach is to post a Top 100 blogs for MMO gamers, based on a totally arbitrary method (based on bloglines feeds related to Broken Toys), and then proclaiming it to be 97% accurate (thought that might have been meant ironically).

You will find me at place 68, ahead of Yahoo! (76), the New York Times (80), or Raph Koster's blog (93). Yeah, sure. I'm sitting here by the phone, waiting for a billion dollar offer from Rupert Murdoch for my blog. What an utter nonsense!

Taking a small, arbitrary community and counting the RSS feeds they subscribed to is a method that is so inherently flawed, that the results are basically useless. If you absolutely had to rank blogs, you would first need to compile a list of all MMO blogs (which would already exclude Yahoo and the NYT), and then use something like an Alexa traffic ranking (today's Traffic Rank for 231,126 ) as a score. That would tell you that for example Raph is far more famous than I am (today's Traffic Rank for 68,457 ). Not to mention Yahoo, which today happens to be on traffic rank 1 of Alexa.
I should have put more links. Broken Toys is the blog of Scott Jennings, previously known as Lum the Mad. His site The Rantings of Lum the Mad was the first MMO blog.
Its ok Tobold, give it a few more months, and im sure you can rule the world from your humble blog.
When you become a billionaire, will you remember all of little people?

uses counts from SiteMeter, which is a popular hit counter that many blogs use. You can set up SiteMeter, and then register there and see yourself compared to thousands of other sites. There are no categories though, but there are "communities" but they suffer the same problem as the whole site: people have to register their site with ttlb.

That's the closest thing to real comparative hit numbers though.

I suppose the liberal use of tags might help but again they depend on people using them so they can be gamed the way people game google.
I think you are taking Jeff far too seriously.

And "what's Broken toys"...bah! Young'ns these days, just don't know their MMO blogosphere history. Do the names Tweety, Arcadian, or "Slow news day" ring a bell?

Long live LtM!
these are the “reader’s choices”, where readers are the bloglines’ subscribers to feeds which are related to Broken Toys.

It's as accurate for what it is as anything can be, but yes, I was being ironic with the whole list.

Sometimes my jokes are just for me.
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