Tobold's Blog
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Running with the lemmings

Hooray! I finally made it 22,500 honor points, and bought a High Warlord Bludgeon. Then I also got myself a Black War Kodo, to get rid of the excess marks of honor, and gave up on PvP. I just can't see the 3 battlegrounds any more. Not that I find 2 weeks grinding for an epic sword excessive, I just don't want to do it again for armor or a shield.

We all believe that in the virtual world we are doing what we are doing for fun, and out of our own free will. But looking at the current PvP popularity, I'm not sure it was my "free will" that made me play PvP. I think I was just running with the lemmings, doing what everybody was doing, whether it was fun or not.

If PvP was fun, then how come that so few people played it before the last patch? And how come that after the expansion comes out the battlegrounds will be deserted again? Apparently we don't play for fun, we play for phat loot. Whatever Blizzard makes the easiest way to get epics, people will follow it. A month from now the best loot will be found in BC 5-man dungeons, and everybody will be there. Aren't people wonderfully simple creatures, that they can be manipulated so well?
You're more determined than I.
Love the lemmings title in the post. It's so true. Entire guilds have shifted to PvP for the prospect of attainable purples...

Even I'm starting to think about it, namely for a shot at an epic mount which I never bothered to get. I pretty much retired from PvP when I realized I was being defeated by gear and not players @ 60. The return to will be painful, but perhaps worth it...
I agree. It looks like I'm most likely going to just get my GM Hand Cannon, and not the Glaive as well.

Gratz, Tobold :)

I'm going to get a GM weapon and that's it.

Regardless of how "easy" the old head pvpers have said it is to get the pvp rewards, I've spent an inordinate amount of time that I don't plan on doing again. PvP grinding got old quickly.

I don't know if it was the healing aspect or what. It takes a certain type of temperament I guess.

For that reason, I think "casuals" will come away with a few epics, but not as many that will be some type of game breaking thing.
Hard to say. I jumped in with both feet to get a second dagger so that I could try a Mutilate spec without gimping myself (I had one nice epic dagger, but the 2-3 other epic daggers in the bank were a bit outdated). The build I had was a pure PVE build and by the time my first week was over and I bought that dagger I never wanted to see the battlegrounds again.

Then I used that dagger and respec'd and decided to run a couple battlegrounds to try out my new spec and see how I liked it. Fast forward through this weekend and I'm sitting on about 15k honor at the moment. See, a funny thing happened. My new spec ended up being good for PVP and PVE, and battlegrounds stopped being a chore and started being fun. So I have 15k honor towards...nothing. There is no piece of PVP armor that would help me and any of the weapons at this point would just be toys. I'm not working towards anything, but I find myself logging my main and doing battlegrounds instead of playing my alts just because it's what I'm having fun with right now.
Although I mostly agree with you, I find that while I am driven to pvp for the 'phat lewt' I'm also enjoying myself a surprising amount. The more I play the better I get, and I'm frequently finding myself amongst the top damage dealers in each bg. Thanks to Horde's instant q's I never have to wait, and I find myself playing 'just one more game' before bed . . .

The fact that except for my epic bow and gianstalker gloves I was in all blues means I have a ton of stuff to pvp for -- everything is an upgrade. I'm actually considering continuing to gear up in pvp post-BC with my hunter, while progressing through PvE with my druid. It would be fun to have the 6 piece epic armor set, and most of the hunter gear before level 65 is pretty uninteresting anyway.
I've completed the entire HWL armor set and have the crossbow (I'm a hunter). Also got the cloak from Defilers. Next up the two 1h axes or the big 2-hander.

I'm geared for BC now, and I didn't set foot in MC or BWL (on this character), in under 4 weeks.

Life is good!
I got my Field Marshal Leggings first on my Warrior Then the gloves both of which were greate upgrades with tremendous stamina.

Now for my grand marshal's Long sword A nice slow 1 hander that hits hard is just what the fury doctor ordered! After that I may get the Field marshal shoulders because the 3 piece bonus is -5secs off of intercept when i respec fury i'll take -10sec of intercept and can intercept every 15sec instead of every 30 :-]

fun times!

My boots, chest and helm are from BwL/Naxx and are better than the Field Marshal stuff, so will proly lay off the pvp at that point.

But pvp is so easy with an organized group on vent or teamspeak that you can easily earn 1,000 honor per hour (if winning) or maybe 3-400 per hour if losing playing on the holiday BG weekends.
Very reasonable compared to PvE raiding.
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