Tobold's Blog
Friday, December 08, 2006
WoW Journal - 8-December-2006

I hadn't played World of Warcraft all week, but of course I had to log on after the patch and see how it was going. On patch day I was online 5 minutes, then logged out to fix my addons. Bad mistake, because the logon server never let me back in, and later when the logon server was up, the server with my main characters was down. And I still don't have my addons back, because all the addon sites are down due to being overloaded. So right now I have only the Extended Quest List and Mobinfo2 addons, which I had downloaded before for the BC beta, and CTRaidAssist 1.6, from the CTMod site, which was up in a low-bandwith version. I would have loved to have Gatherer back, but the developers of that one decided to postpone release for two weeks. And I couldn't get Telo's Infobar nor Theorycraft in a 2.0 compatible version anywhere.

The day after the patch at least the servers were back up, although a bit laggy. So I joined my guild on a special event, killing Prince Thunderaan and getting Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker for our main tank. That is a nice 53.9 dps one-handed sword which is legendary (orange) and has some good stats. We were over 40 people to participate in taking Prince Thunderaan down, which made it nearly too easy. Besides the two legendary drops, you need 10 fiery cores from MC, 10 elementium ores from BWL, and 100 arcanite bars. That is between 3,000 and 4,000 gold worth of materials. I'm happy for the guy for having a dream come true, but personally I wouldn't have spent that much on a sword which is going to be replaced in two months. There are a lot of much better swords in the Burning Crusade, even before level 70. Okay, *I* spent all my gold on materials for jewelcrafting, which is probably going to be a flop, so I shouldn't say anything. In the end it is all about realizing your game goals, however silly they are.

I am thinking about getting a new sword for my warrior as well, by doing PvP. For 20 Arathi Basin victory marks and 22,500 honor points you can get very nice "High Warlord" one-hand weapons. The only problem is getting into a battleground. Yesterday the battlegrounds were crashing due to overload all the time, and some guildmate got a character stuck in a crashed battleground and couldn't get back into the game except with alts. Of course the "BC has better swords" argument is equally valid here, but PvP is something I haven't done very much in World of Warcraft yet, and could be a good way to spend my time waiting for the expansion. The sword would just be an added bonus.

My warrior originally leveled up with a protection spec, being a tank. That was useful for 5-man groups, but not so good for soloing, and really bad for PvP. And with the guild having enough tanks, I couldn't raid with them either. So I tried to switch to a fury build, but didn't like it much. So with the free respec from the patch I now went for a 41/10/0 arms build, going for mortal strike and the top talent in the arms tree. I should probably wield a 2-handed weapon in this case, but I'm still dual-wielding. I'll see how that works out.

Of course I also had to spend the talent points for my priest again, the patch having reset them. I put 23 points in discipline, just enough to get improved divine spirit. The remaining 28 points I put in holy, getting me up to spiritual guidance. These talents together give a nice boost to both my healing and my damage spells. I think with this sort of build I can level up my priest, both solo and in groups.
What I don't like about the patch is that they apparently abandoned the "gold for XP" at level 60. Too bad, I was hoping on making some extra money while questing in Silithus... Other than that, I *love* the new patch!
Atto: I read an official statement that the only problem with that feature was a display issue. Read more here:

Regarding the addons, isn't Titan bar basically the same as Telo's infobar? I use Titan and love it. In any case though Telo usually has an offical thread on the US UI board. Here's the thread for the current version:

What I really miss at the moment is an addon that shows the quests level, and possibly an ability to move the quest tracker. Does Extended Quest List offer that?
Yes, the EQL addon shows the quest levels and has tons of options on the quest tracker. Not sure about moving it though. Can't you just drag and drop it?
I haven't tested with the new patch but it wasn't possible in earlier versions though. I'll start looking for EQL.
If you use FuBar, QuestFu shows quest levels and has a quest tracker you can move.
We've figured out the hard way that a few "patch compatable" addons aren't working properly. One is CTRaid Assist and the other is KTM Threatmeter. CTRaid made the game nearly unplayable in a raid setting due to screen freezes. Also, setting up targets no longer works. So, if you're going to need something for a raid, look at the newest version of La Vendetta.

The Prince T fight is an easy one, which surprised us, too, when our main tank picked up his Thunderfury. It seems weird to wait so long for the right drops in MC only to then fight a pushover boss. While I appreciate Thunderfury for its aggro abilities, I think the best part is watching neutral mobs get too close to the mt, then wonder around wearing tornadoes. The smaller the mob, the funnier it is. Ok, so it's the simple things that entertain me...

Everything will be better in BC, but that won't help much over the next month (or longer if they delay it again). Even if you replace it later, at least the gold you'd get from selling it could go towards your repair bills. :P

I don't think you've been raiding lately, but shaman and pally drops are now occurring in all instances. We've had to DE some pally scrolls, pants, and trinkets so far. It feels like such a waste, too, since those items normally would have been decent useable gear, plus those members that are going to reroll pally BE just have to watch epics get sharded. I imagine the Alliance feel the same way about shammy skirts.

Ah, good to know that it is CTRaidAssist which is causing the short screen freezes, I thought it was the fact that we were raiding.

I've read about the shaman and pally drops for both factions. Seems it is not a bug, but for some reason it was impossible to delay this "feature" until there actually are Horde paladins and Alliance shamans. Until we have those, we just get 11% less epics from all raid dungeons. Not good.
Magrothj, displaying quest levels and moving the quest objectives is now built into CT_Core (previously, they had separate addons for this).
About your priest spec:
I'm a bit curious as to why you didn't invest your points in the shadow tree if your intent is to keep that spec to level in BC. I have found that when you get enough +healing (400 or so) to gear, spec doesn't make a significant difference in 5, 10, or 20 man content. Vampiric Touch is an AMAZING boost to dps, and I highly recommend it. If you want to have fun and show off the power of a shadow priest, go to Felstone Field in WPL and grind skeletons. With +150 damage using VT then SW:P in shadow form, you can literally mow through the mobs. It takes a bit of practice to get the timing down, but you can kill between 5 and 10 simultaneously depending on the size of your mana pool. I'd like to see a Holy/Disc priest do that ;)
I tried the shadow tree in the BC beta and just didn't like it. I totally agree that a shadow priest should be able to have a higher damage output than a holy/disc priest. But you also need the gear for it. I only have +150 to damage *after* putting all my talent points in holy/disc, because those talents boost my spirit and then transform the spirit into a damage bonus. Without that my +damage bonus is minimal, because I'm wearing classic holy priest tier 1 and tier 2 gear.

And that is not just by choice. My guild wouldn't even allow me to roll on +damage cloth gear, it's reserved for mages and warlocks. Shadow priests have a really bad rep with most raiding guilds.
We've been using a SP in our raids as a mana battery for the mt healers. It's been working out well, but the real key is using someone that's good at being shadow. We don't limit dps gear to locks/mages, so he's equiped to handle it, too. He supplies about 50mp5 plus some minor healing to the group.

I don't think you've been raiding lately, but shaman and pally drops are now occurring in all instances. We've had to DE some pally scrolls, pants, and trinkets so far.

Jewelcrafting recipes are dropping now as well. I've seen two since the patch. I'm curious to see what they are being valued at in the auction house. Especially with Auctioneer not working.
QuestsFu does indeed add quest levels to the game -- to the quest log, and to NPC dialogs as well. It's a FuBar plugin, but it doesn't require FuBar -- it'll just drop an icon on your minimap if you don't have FuBar. (I wrote it, I get to pimp it. :D )

Cartographer is a good Gatherer+MetaMap replacement. It'll remember herbs/ores, has instance maps, map notes, and all that. It's also way, way more compactly written than either of the addons it replaces. (I didn't write it. But I like it.)
Yea, the Warlord weapons are now attainable with some PVP grindings but this change is in anticipation of the expansion which would make items from the old world inferior. As for warriors PVP, I have one that I tried fury before switching to prot and I can tell you warrior is not the ideal class for pvping even fury. That's another topic that requires an essay to cover which I will not go into. :)

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