Sunday, March 18, 2007
Molten Core at 70
I went to Molten Core with my guild last night. 27 people, most of them level 70, and we simply owned the place. Took us just over 2 hours to completely clean out Molten Core, and that was on our worst strategic behavior. For example the new Garr strategy, "lets just bunch up all these guys and AoE them". And most of the time it worked. Only Geddon and Ragnaros offered any kind of serious resistance, the other bosses just dropped dead in record time.
Of course there wasn't much of a challenge involved. And its not an event I would repeat anytime soon. But after not having been there for months, and remembering how much harder it used to be, kicking some ass there once was real fun.
As a priest, at level 70 I still behaved pretty much the same in MC than at 60. Just that my mana pool was larger and my heals bigger. The only real improvement was using Mass Dispel at those encounters where many people got debuffed at once, starting with Lucifron. Where the main difference was for the raid was in the damage dealing. The speed with which you take the enemy down makes a huge difference, because once the mob is dead, it doesn't matter what fancy abilities he has. And I have the impression that damage dealing went up faster in the Burning Crusade than healing did. In level 70 dungeons I barely ever use my fast heals any more, they are just too small now to make any difference.
I'd like to do a similar exercise for BWL, AQ40, and Naxxramas, but maybe that will be harder to organize. For example not everyone is attuned to Naxxramas. And I'd assume that the harder dungeons still need some sort of strategy.
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Interestingly, I've seen a lot of 70's heading back into Azeroth lately. My son started a new toon and has had tons of 70s running him through DEADMINES!! Yes, I think we are seeing the first signs of boredom, folks. With LOTRO right around the corner, I predict a mass exodus of bored WOW players into that game. Hope Turbine can handle the load! I'll be there on March 30th. See you there!
I'm just laughing at the above poster for thinking there will be a "mass exodus" of any kind to LOTRO =P
Hahaha....HAHAHAH. *cough* haha.
Hahaha....HAHAHAH. *cough* haha.
We did the last (latest) Molten Core couple weeks after TBC. A few had hit 70 others was on the high 60s. We brought a level58 warrior and the first paladin, level 55 (had to sneak in thru BRD). We just pwned the place. The raid was a PUG with random people from all previous raidguilds. Ragnaros went down in just over 2 minutes.
After that we talked about 5manning but havent tried yet.
We have been back to take Ysondre and Onyxia in very few numbers as well but they were too easy too. Ysondre was never even a problem with 10 level60s.
After that we talked about 5manning but havent tried yet.
We have been back to take Ysondre and Onyxia in very few numbers as well but they were too easy too. Ysondre was never even a problem with 10 level60s.
Me and my guild did a 15 man ony run. Nothing too impressive because pre-expansion ony was 5 manned. If anything was impressive about us 15 manning ony it was the lack of coordination. We had everyone in the group intentionally trying to pull aggro. They made a game of it. Thanks to them, we almost wiped, we were down to about 4 people, but we made it through. If we had actually tried with ony, I'm sure we would of downed her a lot quicker and smoother. I'm personally interested in seeing if I can solo the 5-man dungeons, havn't tried it yet, but have heard a rumor about a paladin soloing the 45 minute baron run....don't know if thats possible, but maybe?
Yes, there was a paladin did the 45-min Baron run alone. Try looking up for Tresjin (used to be from Kil'Jaeden, now in Jubei'thos)
It's a pity that the video link he posted up got lost when our guild forums got wiped. Maybe you could ask him to post it up again?
Here's the link
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It's a pity that the video link he posted up got lost when our guild forums got wiped. Maybe you could ask him to post it up again?
Here's the link
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