Tobold's Blog
Friday, March 09, 2007
My martian invasion

In 1938 Orson Welles directed a radio version of H. G. Wells' classic novel The War of the Worlds in the form of fake news bulletins. This was done so well that quite a number of listeners believed that there was an actual martian invasion going on, causing a minor panic, but making this episode very famous. A lot less famously two days ago I wrote I parody, a post making fun of the weak points in The Burning Crusade, in the form of fake news on a non-existing second WoW expansion called The Freezing Jihad. Most of my regular readers got the joke, but after being passed through a couple of newsreaders and link on game forums *some* people believed the news (especially when only reading the headline), and then got enraged for having been sold fake news. My apologies, there is no martian invasion, and no second World of Warcraft expansion announced. Although I still wouldn't bet that when the second expansion announcement comes it will be 100% different from my fake one. :) Pink orcs are unlikely, but woodcrafting and level 80 are a definitive possibility.

The fundamental problem behind that is that this is just a blog, a one-man operation, me writing about whatever I have on my mind. Thus my articles wary wildly in style, quality, and subject. There is no newspaper editor watching over me, taking care that I only post real news, and that everything is highly objective. Of course I'm censoring myself a bit, and I'm generally a level-headed and reasonable person. But if the mood strikes me, I might post something which I think is funny, in spite of a risk to offend or mislead somebody. One day I write a parody, the next a journal of what my characters are doing, and the next some sort of review. And I'm always 100% subjective, even if I try to list the pros and cons in some of my points. Even the subject matter changes with my interests, so if I really change from WoW to LotRO in April that will have a big impact on what game I'm writing about most. In quality I'm pretty certain that I have good days and bad days, sometimes writing much worse than on other days (or reporting something I believe is true but isn't), or having the occasional unusually bright idea.

And I don't think this variability will change. In a way it constitutes one of the charms of blogs as opposed to much more sterile and stable newspapers. I'm not even trying to be a news media, it is more that I allow my readers a glimpse into my private diary. Nothing what I say is the final word on any subject. The evaluation of quality, veracity, and impact of anything is write is left to the reader. Especially when I write about news you'll never be sure that I am covering "all the news fit to print", because I often simply miss developments. Or that I'm not simply making a joke like the Freezing Jihad one. You have been warned. If you want predictable, subscribe to The Times.
Wow that is the funniest thing I have seen in a while. People thought your were serious!?

Awesome. You sir are my hero ;-)
Your apologetic tone is totally the opposite to mine.

It was obviously a fake form the first occurrence of 'Iceland' as the name of the area, and only got more far-fetched.

You have to bear in mind something I tell myself a number of times everyday - 'Some people are too stupid to live'.

The obvious Frozen/Burning Crusade/Jihad clued me right away. Pretty funny that some took it as gospel!

I think I might have to look at your linkbacks to see which news sources to completely ignore going forward...
This comment has been removed by the author.
You should be ashamed, you made a lot of people very nervous. I myself had the shakes. I think due to the popularity of your blog you should be more considerate of the impressions you leave on your readers. You made me and my retarded brother Bilo cry.
It would be a sorry world if we couldn't pull each others leg once in a while. Keep up the good work Tobie is what I say. I thought your piece was very funny.

By the way it is with great regret that I have to accuse you of plagiarism. Apart from the fact that there appears to have been a guild called The Frozen Jihad on th e Darkspear server I have to point out that damijin suggested that title for a WOW expansion back in January (third comment on the following broken toys blog entry):D [url][/url]
It's your blog, you can write whatever you like. The fact that some . . . less than bright . . . individuals lifted the 'news' from your blog and passed it on as legitimate is hardly your fault.

You can't be held accountable for the stupidity of others.
You are a genius sir. I wish to procreate with thee. On second thought you can procreate with the shes shaking her head.....guess not.

Marvelous post on TFJ. Very well done. If people dont have the brains to understand parody then they prolly forget to breathe several times a day and wonder why they pass out.

Your blog brightens the days of many miserable beings such as I, who dare to love the games we play yet do not proscibe to the all powerful media wisdom of "Games are EVIL'. We look to you as a shining beacon in the night of corrupt media and news programs, Where so called game reviewer sites post numbers based on small increments of time played on said games. We look to you for wisdom in choosing the right paths before us. You are our god among the dispicable ingrates that plague the industry. You are the Alpha the Beta and the Gold print of sanity. We bow to your every whim.

So please give us more info on The Frozen Jihad.
I hope Blizzard do take suggestions from your website. Raid Dungeons being accessible to casual Raiders, with the Super Duper Epic Loot dropping for the Hardcore Raiders playing on Hero level would be awesome.
Tobold's disclaimer here should not need to be stated in the first place; unless you're rather ignorant of the advent of blogs and how they are generally (exclusively?) subjective, you know to take them with a grain or two of salt. I read Tobold's blog for entertainment and for information about what he's thinking regarding other subjects that might interest me. If seeking other sources is warranted, I'll do that.
I got as far as 'Jihad' before I twigged!

Still, I know what you mean Tobold...some slow weeks, I've come this close to starting a series of posts about my experiences in 'The Italian Job Online'...
I'm pretty sure Blizzard would have SOMETHING on the WoW front page announcing an expansion. People will believe anything they read.
I for one am cancelling my subscription!

I'd just like to say about your "wary wildly in style, quality, and subject" is not compleatelly true. During the time I've been following the quality of your posts has been very good. It's the readers post if they have no sence of humour eh? ;)
We expect more on April 1. :D
Woot and huzzah. Looking forward to your impressions from Lord of the Flies Online.

Masterfully done. Remember, they wouldn't put it on the internet if it wasn't true.

lol. cheers
Lol. The thing that most amazes me about the internet is the people and their ability to get the completely the wrong end of the stick.

Keep writing what you like and feel. I for one enjoy this blog and every article written on it. If only half teh internet was so eloquent and intelligent:)
Tobold, despite my comment in that Blog post ,you have the full right ,to post something like that.

My comment was more related to the often read mournings of people, who don't appreciate Blizzard works, but still play the game. Who will never be satisfied, whatever great Expansion Blizzard releases.

I don't count you in to that group.

But your fake-news posts, seemed to be inspired by that group.

I still love your Blog ,and read it daily.

Cheers, Markus.
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