Tobold's Blog
Sunday, May 06, 2007
More on World of Starcraft

As previously predicted, CVG is now reporting that Blizzard will announce World of Starcraft on the 19th of May in Korea. Of course nothing is for certain until it actually has been announced, but the rumor seems pretty solid. With Starcraft being one of the leading video game brands in Korea, the move isn't really surprising. Obviously Blizzard hopes for another WoW-like cash cow. We'll see how that plays out in the end.
I predicted this, two years ago. It should have been obvious that within days of Vivendi first realizing just what a cash cow that WoW was going to be for them, that they'd immeditely order Blizzard to start developing another mmorpg.

SC fanboys will cry over this, but any game with a monthly fee will take precident over a game without one; not to mention that you can't pirate a mmorpg.
It'll make a killing.

I live in Korea (with my Korean wife and my baby daughter), and I can tell you that EVERYONE knows what Starcraft is.

People will go to PC Cafes and play the game for hours, and they even have an entire TV channel dedicated to Starcraft strategy discussions 24 hours a day.

I'll let you know if/when I see anything about it here.
i know you'll never forgive me for this outburst but oh christ


The biggest problem that I see with a "World of Starcraft" is that Blizzard will end up competing with itself. While there is probably a (relatively small) group of players who have the time and finances to play multiple MMOs at once, the far greater majority of people really only play one game at a time. Those people will need to choose between WoW and WoS.

I know for me, personally, I'd probably go with WoS because I always liked the Starcraft universe better, and I prefer scifi over fantasy.

This is why I think that a Starcraft 2 would make more sense, but maybe Blizzard knows what their doing. I just hope that they and Vivendi don't expect to be running two games with 7-8 million subscribers each, cause it isn't going to happen, IMO.
andy: the biggest problem that I see with a "World of Starcraft" is that Blizzard will end up competing with itself. While there is probably a (relatively small) group of players who have the time and finances to play multiple MMOs at once, the far greater majority of people really only play one game at a time. Those people will need to choose between WoW and WoS.

Blizzard will eventually - over time - lose subscribers, due to burnout and boredom. Eventually not even a new WoW expansion will be enough to excite long time subscribers.

So Blizzard isn't developing Star Craft Universe to add subscribers, though I'm sure they would love that, if it happened. They're developing Star Craft Universe to keep the subscriber base they've already gotten.
They have gotten 2.5 years and countless sums of money out of WoW. They know that they will see a serious reduction in subscribers come next expansion. If they have a new MMO waiting in the wings, they can make sure the WoW mass exit feeds back right into another Blizzard game.

Trying to keep people playing a game after a certain point is hopeless, so the best thing you can do is try to divert them into another one of your games.

We may be seeing the establishment of a new MMO timeline: original release for about 2 years with mini-content updates throughout, expansion to keep people on for another year or so, and then a new game released to capture them as they leave.

If they are smart, they will time one more expansion to throw off the Warhammer release and the new game a few months later.
They won't be competing with themselves. WoW's subs will begin to dwindle. It'll remain a hugely subscribed to game for several more years, but the 8.5 million I think was their peak.

Now, there are 2 choices then for them to remain the king of MMOs. WoW2 (too early I think) or a new MMO on an established property. A Diablo MMO would be like throwing another fantasy MMO into an already boiled over pot, but a Starcraft MMO (as much as I'd like to see an RTS sequel) will be hugely sucessful both here because of WoW's success and probably even BIGGER in Asia where Starcraft remains the King of games (especially Korea).

My only hope, if this rumor becomes true in 2 weeks, is that Starcraft Worlds or whatever they end up calling it isn't just WoW with Protoss and Zerg.

Perhaps something like Stieg Hedlund's Gods and Heroes, where you command a small army as a single player might come to fruition. Maybe it'll be like Garriott's Tabula Rasa, by blending FPS and traditional MMORPGs. Who knows. Not that a Sci Fi Themed EQ clone would be all bad, but I truly hope that it's not all they go for.

I also hope they've learned their lesson from the talent trees of WoW and go some other direction for character customization.
They could be just announcing that the work is being done on the game, and that it won't be out for 2-3 years. That would make WoW what, 6 years old by the time WoS comes out? Plenty of time for people to get stale on WoW. The announcement also steals some of the thunder of of upcoming and current games. Someone once said if you have to compete with someone in business, make sure it's yourself.
Target date of Q4 2009, but ends up getting pushed back to Q1 2010.

That's my prediction )
While there is probably a (relatively small) group of players who have the time and finances to play multiple MMOs at once, the far greater majority of people really only play one game at a time.

That is a design problem and a business model problem with many MMOGs. I think this will change over time and games will accomodate more of shorter play times and business models that do not emphasizes "one game only".

Not from the top dogs initially, but smaller ones will likely look at this in a market with more and more MMOGs competing with each other.
Dont know anything about SC and even though Blizzard pisses me off greately, I'd love a more approachable EVE Online like experience. And I know that Blizzard is capable of making a game that will grab me by the throat for many months before I hate them all over again. :-)

I would really, really love to see a very successful scifi game that is more casual friendly.
perhaps it's just lost vikings 3 ;)
It would have to be Lost Vikings 4.

part 3 is allready implemented in WoW. They have a Guest Role in Uldaman.

If it is a Starcraft MMO, I think that they'll be announcing that as a secondary announcement. I'd be shocked if it wasn't an RTS as the main announcement which would make more sense to announce in Korea.

As others have mentioned, even if they're announcing an MMO they won't be anywhere near completion. WoW will be very long in the tooth by the time Blizzard gets out another MMO.
Can I transfer my mage from WoW over to WoS? I dont want to level up again.
"Can I transfer my mage from WoW over to WoS?"

Ironic that you should ask that question. The version of the article ( that I read confirmed - if accurate - my suspicion (a no-brainer, really):
World of Starcraft is to be built upon the World of Warcraft engine.
But of course! Why reinvent the wheel when you have a smooth, working, successful engine already?

And that gives them another bonus.
According to the article, the target release date would be before the end of 2007.

Makes one think, in retrospect, that the sci-fi themes and full 3D fly environment of the Burning Crusade may have also been a dry run for the implemention of capabilities needed for a Starcraft MMO. So, yeah, maybe you WILL be able to port you mage into WoS... :P
I call dibs on Dark Templar class. I would love to 1 shot zerglings.

In all seriousness, how cool would it be to have a quest as a zealot where you "died" and could become a dragoon?
Lord British has it right, you have to make a whole slew of games that offer slightly different flavours.
I like choice.
Been waiting for this forever! We've got a great starcraft 2 community building up at

If anyone wants to come and talk about this great game, please do so! It's probably the most anticipated game of all time, I mean, we only had to wait 10 years!
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