Tobold's Blog
Sunday, September 16, 2007

This is my 1,500th post. Now excuse me while I use an offline browser program to make a backup of my blog.
Doesn't Blogger offer a database dump of sorts?

Gratz for so many posts :D
... and every single one of it worth reading.

Thanks Tobold.
A quick and dirty method to backup bloger...

Just use a modified link like this (already tailored for you Tobold.

It will take a while to load
Anyway you'll end up with one single html page (that can be saved)
On a side note, all your posts, excluding comments....
1.837Kb of plain html

And every single line worth reading....

Gratz Toby on reaching the big one five oh oh.

Question: What is the legal position re blog posts. Who owns copyright? For example if you chose to move your blog to another provider would you be entitled to bring all of those posts with you to the new blog?
Well, the provider certainly doesn't own copyright. I'm not a lawyer, but I'd assume I own the rights. But that is pretty much irrelevant, because the content is so easily copied, and it would be very hard to pursue legally somebody who pretended it was his own stuff.

So I'm running under a fair use clause, allowing anyone to use my material as long as he attributes it to me, and links back to my blog.

Oh, and while the provider doesn't own the content, moving to another provider would still lose me my Google page rank, and thus most of my visitors.
good for you Tobold...what are you using to back up your posts?
Tobold, there's also another method beside the one I did already posted.

Google now permit to interact with blogger using some API calls called GData (Google data) that is a system that is being used for almost every service in google to push and pull informations.

You need to know your own password for the service to pull/push informations you own (obviously)

Obviously you can't use API calls directly as are to be used by programmer for within their pograms, but I'm sure there are software that will do a backup of all your content. And using such API you can also get commants associated. So you can build a full XML DB with everything of your blog (if you own it)

For example (the first I found... hadn't tested or used it.. just a search:
that is even opensource
Congrats! I've been reading for two years now and still enjoying them.
Congrats, that a ton of post.
That's a lot of posts! Gratz!
what are you using to back up your posts?

I'm using an old shareware program (I even paid for that one) called Offline Explorer.

But I'll have to look into the Bloggerbackup program Jack-o-Lantern linked to. Not that I understood half of the technical terms he was using. :)
congrats :)

may the blog be with you ;)
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