Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
WoW getting fluffier

This is somewhat related to the previous post on mudflation, where it was stated that the long time people spend at the level cap before the next expansion comes out increases the mudflation problem, because they get stronger all the time through accumulation of gear. Which is correct only insofar as people spend their time getting stronger by acquiring gear. But if you look closely at what many people do in the current TBC endgame, you'll find that not all of them are after gear that makes their characters more powerful. A lot of time is spent going after fluff, which serves only as status symbols, without actually doing anything to the stats of your character.

A good example for level 70 fluff is the Netherwing Drake or Nether Ray mounts. You need to get to exalted with the Netherwing and / or Sha'tari Skyguard factions to get these mounts. But you also need the artisan riding skill for 5,000 gold to use them, and they fly exactly as fast as the epic flying mount you can buy for 200 gold. Getting any of these alternative epic flying mounts is pure fluff, you spend a lot of days gathering faction for a reward that is just changing the look of your mount.

In a way gathering the 5,000 gold for the artisan riding skill is also kind of fluffy. Yes, the epic flying mount is much, much faster than the normal one. It is much more practical to get around, and very useful in gathering resource nodes. But for doing most quests the epic flying mount doesn't help you. And in a dungeon or raid the epic flying mount is no help at all. Not having one is not hindering your progression in any way.

The last patch also introduced a sporebat non-combat pet which you need to be exalted with the Sporeggar to get. WoWWiki calculated that you need to kill over 1,000 mobs to farm that reputation, which to me appears to be a lot of effort to get a non-combat pet. The patch also introduced daily cooking quests, with rewards like a rare recipe for chocolate cake which does absolutely nothing, except promising to make you "very happy" and give some fireworks special effects when you eat it. Fluff at its finest.

Of course there is nothing wrong with fluff. As I said, it actually helps against the mudflation problem. And as long as the player *want* fluff items that just look good, there is nothing wrong in providing fluff as reward for quests or reputation gains. The only problem is that often at the start of a quest chain you don't know what the final reward will be, whether it is fluff, good gear for your class, or good gear for somebody else's class. As you wouldn't want to do a long quest chain to find out at the end that the reward is something you don't want, you are forced to look up the rewards in advance on the various third party websites and guides. But that is a completely different subject for another post.
interesting enough Fluff in LOTRO is kept at a minimum, except for Houseing which is just a money sink at the moment, You dont play LOTRO anymore Tobold?
"But you also need the artisan riding skill for 5,000 gold to use them, and they fly exactly as fast as the epic flying mount you can buy for 200 gold."

Faction is the only difference between the mounts.

All epic flying mounts require that 5,000 gold in order to get them to fly, and then the 200 gold on top of that.

The mounts you're talking about are no different, other than faction. The faction for Skyguard is simple to get by doing the daily quests you're probably already doing to get that 5k.
As far as I've read you get the reins for your Netherwing Drake as a quest reward, and don't need to spend 200 gold on it. Only if you somehow manage to lose it or want another color you can buy a replacement for 200 gold.
I would agree that a chasing reputation to get a special mount or non-combat pet is fluff, and I have my share of WoW fluff. Though things like a Frostwolf mount are a nice way to burn excess marks, better than just throwing them away.

But IMO an epic flying mount is worth the effort because:
(1) You gain time, which is arguably the most valuable resource in a MMO, and
(2) It may be the only item that you will still be using at level 80 [much like people still use their epic ground rider at level 70 until they get the epic flyer]
Another reason why it's good to have an epic flying mount: so you don't annoy your guildies or group mates when they're already at the spot you're supposed to be and they have to wait on your slow butt. ;)
You'd think this would be the perfect solution to the problem of your previous post, and was in fact how WoW was touted before release if I recall correctly:

Have raid rewards be shinies.

Sure, maybe their stats can be a bit better. Whatever. But back in vanilla, glowing orbs on head and shoulders meant you were a BWL mage, as you had Netherwind. If raids gave armour that was particularly shiny and awesome-looking, and heroics gave armour that was shiny, but not quite as shiny, and regular dungeons gave pretty plain (but still nice looking) loot, the shiniest armour would be the one people wanted. (replace shiny with glowy, sparkly, huge, whatever)

In other news, looks like its time for me to start farming sporeggar rep =/ Stupid small pets. <3
The ultimate fluff item, IMO: Magical Crawdad pet.

First, you have to fish in rare 'Highland Mixed' pools of fish, which are only accessible by flying mount in Terrokar Forest. However, to even be able to cast your line in those pools, you need a minimum of 405 fishing. Yes, 405, and the maximum you can level your skill up to is 375. So not only do you spend a long time maxing your fishing skill out, but it's still not enough -- you have to boost it up still more with better poles/lures/equipment, etc.

Plus, 405 is just to cast. If you want to avoid 'Your fish has gotten away!' messages, you need to get it up to 500.

Anyway, once you're able to fish the Highland Mixed pools, and actually catch things, you have to fish until you get a special BOP item (non-visible to party members, btw, so you HAVE to do it yourself, no help from friends) called Mr. Pinchy. As far as people can figure, on average you'll fish a Mr. Pinchy out maybe once in every 500 pools.

Once you have Mr. Pinchy, however, you still don't have the pet. Instead, it's an item you use with three charges (with, btw, a 2 day cooldown in between each use). On use there are five possible things that could happen - and only one of those is receiving the Magical Crawdad pet. The consensus seems to be that it's the rarest of the five options, as well, so many people end having to catch several Mr. Pinchys before getting the pet.
Where the heck is HOUSING ? its the ultimate fluff .. blizz promised housing from beta. now it still nowhere in sight.. the only thing bliz add is more gear more raid more of the same..
The engineering profession is 90% fluff.
Flying Machine Control + Shadowform = Awesome
Lately, I've been very fluffy in my pursuits in WoW. Why? Because despite the lack of stat value to my character, it's a grind I can control, pace, with known "reward" at the end. I used to raid, but was removed from that line of work due to my lack of disposable free time while normal people are eating dinner with their kids (me). The fluff keeps me interested. Sure, I still crave that drop from Karazhan, or seeing the sights in SSC, but I actually take some form of pride in the fact that I have a certain non-combat pet, and Mr. Pinchy for that matter. Yes. I have a fishing problem...

It's evident in patch 2.3 that the game has been dumbed down considerably with more fluff on top. Seeing a big yellow "?" over a box you have to click. Or just viewing your mini-map to see where the next stage of a quest goes, I wish I had these features my first go around WoW instead of having to hunt around for that box to click in the Moonbrook schoolhouse.

I like the cooking daily, although the variety of available quests is a bit lacking.

I have a tiny spore bat. I've actually used a Shrouding Potion...
My paladin has a book of the dead (like a 2% drop rate scholo) taht summons a useless skelly every 15 mins and has some worthless offhand stats for being a epic.

The coolest item I have by far..

<3 fluff

I honestly hope WoTLK, is Wrath of the fluff content king. Perhaps take some of the theme from warcraft III, and add some NPC mercenaries you can hire or use in battleground pvps. Maybe even have more battlegroud events like DOTA custom maps ^^.
There's definitely more fluff. My first trip into ZA I walked out with Mojo who is another non-combat pet that is basically a reskinned tree frog. When you kiss him, however, he whispers back to you, turns you into a frog and then follows you around with hearts coming out of his body for a little bit.

I've fished up more furious crawdads than I would ever admit and still haven't pulled a Mr. Pinchy yet. A guildie of mine finally maxed his fishing, asked where the Highland Mixed Schools were and I let him know and within 30 minutes he'd caught 2 Mr. Pinchy's. His very first wish gave him the pet. Have I mentioned how much RNG hates me?
I farmed the Netherdrake in about 5 days by doing the quests and collecting a massive amount of eggs. It was a bit tedious and these five days were purely spent on this but it had one great advantage. I made a lot of gold so I didn't have to farm for quite while after that.

Quest rewards, drops and especially the mining for eggs (they come in ore nodes as well) gave me so much metal and especially gems that over these 5 days I made abou 6k gold.

I can highly recommend going for the drake just because of the gold.
The farming isnt soo bad if the time isnt wasted on something you would otherwise vendor. I felt alot of the quest rewards in Azeroth had pretty dull rewards and in comparison green items were often much junkier too.

One item i miss from back in old WoW days was the luffa you could get from searing gorge quests. As a pally being able to negate bleed/psn with stoneform, then again with a luffa was always pretty nice in bg's.
The 'Delicious Chocolate Cake' recipe, that does nothing is a reference to Portal. I actually like the homages/inside jokes Blizzard does about popular culture.

If you're doing the cooking quests anyway, what's the problem of having a rare (?) recipe that's only good for giving you a smile? Or that is very nice content for RPers in an RP server? Personally I'm doing the cooking quests because I like the 'free' income (if you chose the crate of meat you don't even have to grind for the meat/flesh of the recipes you have to do for the said quests as you get it in the previous days' rewards), and because I love the cooking and fishing aspects of WoW (and am a Cooking Mama fan :P).

What I don't get is - why make a semi-complaint about items that are there just to make the game fun? The surprises of getting unexpected items such as the referred recipe while you're already doing your own thing (like fishing because you want buff food or simply enjoy it and getting a new pet in the process) are little details a lot of people like in the game. Especially casuals who I do more fishing/cooking etc. than the raiders who are too busy raiding or farming mats for their consumables all the time.
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