Tobold's Blog
Saturday, January 12, 2008
How do you even compare games?

Russell Williams, CEO of Flying Lab, the makers of Pirates of the Burning Sea, made some very interesting comments on Mystic Worlds. He says:
We’re not using WoW as our yardstick. We don’t have 65 million dollars, huge teams, or a backlog of work to draw upon. And that’s why we didn’t build another fantasy game, because we knew we’d be a fly on WoW’s windshield. Frankly, if what you’re looking for is a game that matches WoW on this level, you may as well just stop playing new MMOs until Bioware comes out with theirs, or you’re always going to be disappointed.

What I can tell you is that our ship combat kicks ass. Period. And it’s a damn sight better than WoW’s. We have to do new and different things to differentiate ourselves because for all of WoW’s strengths, it’s not everything. I do think you’ll be happy with us going into the future, because now that we’ve finished the foundations of the game, we’re just going to keep polishing and expanding it.
And yeah, he is totally right. PotBS's ship combat is way better than WoW's. Because WoW doesn't have any. But the comparison is still important because people are not going to buy PotBS for the features that are similar to those of WoW, they are going to buy it for the features that WoW doesn't offer: ship combat, production and trade, conquering cities with PvP, etc.

I think the people that should get nervous when Pirates of the Burning Sea comes out are the makers of EVE. Because PotBS's feature overlap more with EVE's, and in many aspects Pirates of the Burning Sea is more accessible and more user friendly than EVE.
That's definitely the correct comparison, although I think both can coexist. I think PoTBS will attract a lot of people like me who always wanted to try EVE but felt a bit put off or locked out since they didn't play it from early on.

On the other hand, EVE at this point offers complexity beyond what PoTBS offers, and the devs tool chain will be more mature, letting them add content and features faster, in theory. PoTBS will likely always lag behind EVE in features, as EVE had a several-year head start.
I think it goes back to what you said before about Pirates costing to much. A lot of people don't look at what there is to do, so much as how much there is to do. Since like 90% of MMO's cost the same amount per month, its hard for a game like pirates to draw people that aren't really into the whole pirates/free trading and naval battles into it.

I'm not saying thats bad per say, obviously it isn't great for the business because their not earing a ton of money, but if they can keep a healthy amount of subscribers who are all really into what the game is about then I feel the game experience for those subscribers is enhanced.
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