Tobold's Blog
Friday, January 18, 2008
Looking epic

Another Karazhan with my guild, who has done that far more often than me. Thus for me it is kind of an "easy mode" raid. Which doesn't mean I'm slacking, my healing and shackling went pretty well. We went until the Curator, and included the opera. Romeo and Juliet again, but apparently these two like me, because last time I got a healing trinket from Romulo, and this time I got the Masquerade Gown from Julianna. Good run for the guild insofar as nearly everyone got something, and we didn't need to disenchant or vendor anything.

For my priest the main effect of his new robe is that as epic robe the thing just looks better than non-epic stuff. Which made me think of this cartoon. How important is looking epic to you?
That comic is freakin awesome. My warlock has most of the season 3 items...same look as the warlock in the pictures. I'd personally love to keep the look.....but ain't gonna happen.
I was always the kind of player that cared more about stats than look, but that was also mainly in DAoC where everything looked just about as bad as everything else, but they had pink dye.

Nowadays in WoW, I'm 56 and still wearing a Shadoweave Mask. Why? Because it makes me a bandit/cowboy, and that's great to me.
I'm a looks kind of player. Keeping armor because it looked good longer than a minmaxer would have.

Great cartoon that.
I usually go with stats, although I do keep stuff like pirate hats for fun value. It doesn't necessarily qualify as giving value to looks, though I guess.

Only thing I do so far where looks are concerned is upgrading bad-looking items first and leaving the good looking items till last to be upgraded. And with the badge/arena/honor system where I get pretty much all my items these days, I can do that pretty easily.

Getting the 75 badge leggings soon, though and I dread the day since they look as bad as the leggings the warlock in the comic is wearing...
One of the most common complaints from raiders is that the arena pvp gear looks exactly like a slightly palette-swapped version of their raid gear, making them look less epic.

They derive some of their enjoyment from looking different than the non-raiding populace.

There's gear that you raid with and there's gear that you RP with. If I'm in the privacy of an instance, I don't care if I'm wearing Big Bird shoulderpads. Nor do I care if I look silly in PvP. If anything, looking silly and kicking ass just adds to my opponents' embarassment. But if I'm idling in a town you'll probably see me wearing the Abjurer or the recolored Netherwind set.

Fortunately for me, Frozen Shadoweave is pretty much the best pre-T6 set out there, so I get the best of both worlds. My red n' black welfare epic PvP set doesn't look bad either.
I thought the char in the first picture looked rather stupid too. I guess one of the reasons why WoW never interested me.
I only want to look.... diferent!!
My Blood Elf is looking pretty sexy at the moment (level 63). Shame that when I get her to 70 she will be forced into wearing the same gear as everyone else, ie Frozen Shdow Weave/T4.
Would be nice to have the option to transfer stats from one piece of new gear to another, and have a set of clothes that is both stylish as well as useful stat-wise.
I value stats over looks, but just barely. I despise being forced to look like the after picture in the comic - unless I chose to.

One thing I've always wanted to be able to do is have the look of whatever armor my class can wear but the stats of the pieces I want. Lord of the Rings Online is bringing that with their next major patch (IIRC). It's going to a nice addition.

I hope this is something all games do.

This was something I always liked about CoH/CoV - I got to choose my look and wasn't force to change it to progress the way I wanted to.
I know what you mean about embarrassment, I love it. In DAoC I was fully pink and stomped all over people. Also had a female kobold warrior named Glaciergiant, no one ever expected the little kobold was such a beast!
I have an Item Rack "fishing" loadout that I use (oddly enough) when I go fishing. Lucky Fishing Hat, overalls, some leather boots that look like waders. Item Rack is also nice enough to remove anything epic that would be visible on me.

I'll usually use that loadout if I'm hanging out in one of the cities. Some people might enjoy the "OMG where did you get that?" or "Sick gear, bro" tells, but I'm not one of them. I'd rather look like a beggar and have people I don't know ignore me.
I always for for stats, but have a lot of extra clothes in my bank that I'll swap into for when I'm standing around town, because the regular gear looks so crappy. As a holy specced priest I have a hard enough time grinding/soloing without putting good stat gear on. I recently specced out of most of my +damage talents to be better at my other roles, and yeah .. not fun.

That's what I was always envious of raiders, not that their gear performed better, but that it looked so much cooler. (I raided for awhile pre TBC, maybe will start again... have to get my kara key and have to find a good casual horde group on Kirin Tor ).

It would be nice if they added secondary armor slots to wear for appearance only. I really hate most of my gear.

Of course that would affect world pvp even if they deactivated it for Arenas and BGs. Maybe it would turn off when you're flagged anywhere.

Though I do still wear my horns I got from the Thrall questline in Nagrand since my upgrade is only marginally better. And I like having horns. What's funny is at the beginning of tbc all the warlocks I know were pissed off that they put horns on a hat that anyone could get, making their tier gear less special. But I don't know what they're complaining about they still have the best looking gear in the game.
When I was playing hardcore and only cared about advancement I didn't care what my gear looked like.

With my current toon and my new casual approach i've sold gear that would have been an upgrade because it looked stupid. I think for more casual players appearance is more important. It's an easy benchmark to hit that gives you an obvious visual reward.
Well, gear skins are an area where WoW really falls short IMO. It's kind of sad how many gear skins are recycled.
Epic to me means stylish and unique. Which discounts all of the tiered and PvP gear in WoW, although the cloned class look isn't quite as bad as it was in the MC & BWL days.
Is that the tier 6 warlock gear? I didn't know if it was that or it was arena gear. I see those locks in the BGs, I actually hate that particular headpiece, it looks like water buffalo horns. My tauren druid has those horns, for him it's ok, not for humans.
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