Tobold's Blog
Friday, January 11, 2008
Transmute mastery fixed

My warrior in World of Warcraft is alchemist and master transmuter. He has one very profitable recipe, Transmute Earth to Water, with which he can transmute once per day a Primal Earth (worth about 3 gold) into a Primal Water (worth about 18 gold). As that is 15 gold quickly earned, I did that transmute nearly every day since I came back to WoW. And after a while I began to notice that in spite of being master transmuter, I never ever got multiple Primal Waters out of my transmute, which I normally should.

It turns out that transmutation mastery was broken in patch 2.3, and worked only on making Primal Mights. Doh! This week patch 2.3.2 fixed the bug, but the news never made it into the patch notes. I still haven't got a single transmutation with multiple results, but I sure hope their number increases now.
Any kind of alchemy mastery comes out to about 15% extra items overall. Transmute has the longest cooldown, so it is subject to being noticeably more streaky (due to smaller sample size).

Yes, but there was a known bug that the devs only talked about on the message boards, and now it is fixed.
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