Tobold's Blog
Friday, March 21, 2008
I just paid Blizzard 140 Euro for cool in-game items

Or in other words, I bought 2 tickets to the 2008 Worldwide Invitational which will happen end of June in Paris. That's only like 2 hours away from where I live, so I couldn't possibly not go. While the tickets aren't exactly cheap, I do expect Blizzard to give me a bag of swag in return, most likely including a code for a unique in-game non-combat pet. There will also be a chance to play Wrath of the Lich King for a few minutes, and Starcraft II if I wanted, as well as discussion panels with Blizzard developers. Now I just need an oversized butterfly net to catch one of them and give me an interview. :)
I assume these in-game items are going to give you an advantage in PvP, PvE and (E)RP?-)
I wish I could buy those tickets....
It's since yesterday that I try...
2 different credit cards but with both, since first try... I get a weird message stating I've already used up all my 3 (three) tries to provide a valid card :(
I know you don't like to think of yourself as anything other than a guy shouting his opinion into the ether, really should've tried for a press pass. I can't imagine they wouldn't give you one and a press pass is the proverbial butterfly net you're looking for.
I assume these in-game items are going to give you an advantage in PvP, PvE and (E)RP?-)

How much can you scare an opponent in PvP with a dancing murloc non-combat pet? :) What *might* be considered an advantage in PvP and PvE is that the goody bag also contains beta access to WotLK.

I looked on the website, and there is neither a contact nor any other way given on how I could even apply for a press pass.
I like the way you taunt the anti-RMT extremists Tobold :)
Just give their PR Dept a ring... simple as... I'm sure they will even set you up an interview/s if you requested it.

I saw this on the forums and thought it might help

"The error message "Limit of 3 Payment Attempts Reached" is incorrectly given when the payment data is rejected by the payment system."

They went on to say that it could be any reason at all from a typo in the address info to card being declined. So just because it says your 3 tries are up don't stop if you really want to attend the event.
Do you have to actually attend the event to get the goodie bag?
nice, looking forward to reading your exp there. But yea, try for a press pass still, never know.
hmmm that page you linked says it is beta access to a blizzard game, not specifically WotLK.

Could be Starcraft 2
Just to pull a bait and switch on people, I suggest you spend all your time on starcraft 2 and don't bother with any Wrath of the Lich King related stuff. :) (Though your own curiosity will clearly lead you to ignore the silly suggestion anyway.)
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