Tobold's Blog
Friday, August 22, 2008
WAR group xp bonus

The WAR preview weekend is running on the US servers, and I'm playing there for the moment. Lots of people around, so I start a little experiment: With my level 1 character I kill the first level 1 mobs and note how much xp that gives: 60 xp. Then I invite another level 1 player into my group, and kill the same mob: Now we both get 45 xp each. Which means that even for a group of 2 the group xp bonus is already 50%. For comparison: In WoW the group xp bonus for 2 players is zero, I would only have gotten 30 xp in WoW if I killed a 60 xp mob in a group of 2.

50%+ bonus xp for being in a group, not bad!
Under Blizzard's Recruit-A-Friend program, your grouping bonus would have been 200%. ;)
But then he would have to badger someone into joining and paying for WoW.
Any idea how level differences within group affect XP in WAR (eg, a high-level friend assisting a low-level player).
You also get 'Killing Sprees" where you get bonus xp for each monster one level and more above you. It goes from 5-20% in increments of 5, each being a much shorter time limit on kills than the last. Kind of a bonus to killing quickly, something done best in a group.
Killing Spree sounds like XP Chain from FFXI
This bodes extremely well for the wife and I who duo quite a lot.
My wife, myself, and one of my real-life friends have leveled five characters between us to 60 using Blizzard's Refer-A-Friend.

Triple XP for all group mates is a wonderful thing.
Who cares about the xp bonus in a WoW promotion? So when it runs out and you have a bunch of level 70 alts, what do you do?

Yeah yippeeee

Point is this sort of bonus should be in every game to encourage grouping.
Yes, it's 'like' an XP chain but without the FFXI part, it also only goes as high as chain 4 and each chain-link is progressively shorter to get the next link.
This sounds so much fun but I'm just about to reach 50 in LotRO :/
Actually the xp bonus will only shorten the game. Or do you play to only reach the end? May as remove levels and only do quests to earn loot. That is really how some of these games need to me.
i read tobold's blog before every MMORPG purchase, and im glad i found my taste the same with him. im glad i tried LOTRO, im glad i avoid AoC and based on this blog im sure i will enjoy WHO

thanks tobold
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