Tobold's Blog
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hugh cooks!

It is a sad sign of this time and age that when I got a mail with the subject of "Hugh cooks!", my first thought was that one of these intentionally misspelled spam mails had gone through my spam filter. But instead it turned out to be what it said, a mail from Hugh Hancock of Machinima fame telling me that he is now making real films about cooking. Kamikaze Cookery, to be exact.

And while this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with MMORPGs, the sight of Hugh cooking the perfect steak with the help of a vacuum cleaner and a blowtorch was funny enough that I thought you might want to see this.
Funny stuff!
funny, but 90 mins to cook 1 steak?
Thanks, Tobold!

Savi - actually, it's not too bad - you can just leave the bag in the bath and check the temperature every 10 minutes or so.

I've been thinking about doing a "recipes you can cook whilst playing WoW at the same time" episode, actually - sound interesting?
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