Tobold's Blog
Monday, July 27, 2015
Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch Tyranid Invasion

Competing today for the title of the game with the silliest long name is Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch Tyranid Invasion, made by the same people who did Warhammer Quest, but currently on iOS only. Like Warhammer Quest, Deathwatch is a tactical turn-based game, in which you level up a squad by gaining experience points and gear from missions. But the similarity ends there. While Quest was fantasy and had random dungeons, Deathwatch is in the 40K universe with you playing a squadron of space marines fighting aliens in a series of 40 hand-made missions. More importantly the combat feels very different. While in Quest the enemies came in similar numbers and had similar abilities as your adventurer party, in Deathwatch you play powerful space marines frequently fighting off an endless stream of less powerful aliens. You rarely kill every monster on the map, but have victory conditions like surviving X turns, or reaching certain waypoints.

Combat is turn-based, with your space marines having only 4 action points per turn. Each space to move costs 1 AP, while firing a weapons costs between 1 and 3 AP, so you're not doing much each turn. However you can use unused AP to set your space marine to overwatch in one direction, and then he shoots during the enemy turn if aliens run into his target area. The feel of combat against the tyranid aliens is done rather well, and at its core the game is much fun.

Less fun however is the monetization. In addition to the $5 cost of the game, there are also in-app purchases of boosters. Each booster contains 3 cards, which can be space marines, weapons, or gear. One of those is guaranteed (or "guarenteed" as they spell it) to be tier 2 or better, out of 4 possible tiers. You get 1 booster for finishing each act of 4 missions for the first time, and 1 booster for 100 in-game currency, of which you get 6 for succeeding a mission in normal difficulty. Otherwise boosters cost between $1.23 and $1.49. My main problem with that is that if you don't buy boosters, you're going to play with bad tier 1 space marines for a while to earn boosters; then once you finally get some higher tier space marines, you'll have to start over to level those up again. Buying boosters at the start is a pretty massive power boost, even if the higher tier weapons won't be useful immediately, as they need higher level space marines with better accuracy to work properly. It isn't quite as bad as Warhammer Quest where you couldn't get different character classes, enemies, dungeons, and epic weapons without paying for them, but it still smells of Pay2Win.

Space marines in Deathwatch never die permanently, which might have to do with some people having paid to get those marines in the first place. But there is a death penalty: To unlock wargear slots, traits, and abilities you need far more experience points than you can earn in a single mission. But if you save them up and your space marine dies, you lose all saved experience. I think that is a pretty good system. I haven't finished those 40 missions yet, and apparently once you do you unlock higher difficulty levels "veteran" and "heroic". But I'm not sure how much longevity the game has, as even with the higher difficulty you'll be running through the same 40 missions over and over.

The weakest point of the game for me is that it runs rather slow, even on an iPad Air. There are very long loading screens, and the game takes forever to start up. Which is annoying as it apparently uses all of the memory, so if you switch to another application you need to restart the game and can't quickly swap back. On the upside the game looks rather good, using the Unreal 4 engine. Overall I am having fun (having bought some boosters), but I'm not giving out an unreserved recommendation. Be aware of the technical limitations and the monetization before you buy this!

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