Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
Cyberpunk 2077

Once upon a time, about 3 decades ago, for a short time I played the pen & paper role-playing game Shadowrun. I haven't done many games with a cyberpunk theme since, but I had a general interest in the much hyped Cyperpunk 2077 coming out tomorrow. At least enough to watch a couple of reviews on YouTube to decide whether this is a game for me.

Turns out, it probably isn't. Half a year ago I wrote a post about Watchdogs, a game not totally unlike Cyberpunk 2077, and how I couldn't play it because of my difficulties driving a virtual car in a game like this. So I was immediately struck by the video reviews I saw of Cyberpunk 2077, where the reviewers not only spent a good amount of time in a car, but also visibly and repeatedly bumped into stuff while driving that car. Look, if a professional video game reviewer can't take an exit on a highway without scratching his car, I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to control those cars well. And as there are apparently quests where you need to race somebody to fulfil the quest, I am now wary of this part of the game.

Also, one of the reviews I watched was from Gamespot, and it was a lot more critical than other reviews. It mentioned one point which has bugged me before in other games: The game allows you to build your character as you wish, for example making him/her a hacker instead of a fighter, but then the main story forces you into a boss fight, where you regret not having put your skill points into fighting skills.

I don't think I will buy Cyberpunk 2077. I think I would like the RPG part of it. But ultimately what a game is depends mostly on what activity you are doing most of the time in it. And as far as I can see, in Cyberpunk 2077 that would be shooting and driving. I'm not really attracted by that.

Since it is a game by the creators of the Witcher series, there would be a difficulty setting - the lower ones should allow to mostly experience the story and rpg elements without a frustrating reflex based gameplay.

I plan on getting and playing it .. when I have the time.
I've been reading a fair bit about it, and I don't think driving is a major component. Somebody even mentioned that walking gives you credit for a bunch of exercise-related skills, so you're actually incentivized not to drive everywhere. That said, I did read that a motorcycle was particularly hard to control, such that he immediately crashed it after obtaining it. Allegedly the driving is easier with a controller. This thing is still only half-baked and tweaks will happen if enough people find it frustrating. Watch ACG's review, his advice is to let it finish baking for a number of months first.
The driving is pretty bad in Cyberpunk. That being said driving isnt a huge part of the game. In missions you more often on rails shooting from the passenger seat rather then driving. From what I've heard there are a series of side missions involving racing but that's it.

Either way I'd recommend waiting to buy the game as it currently is very buggy and terribly optimized on PC. I dont regret buying it now but I would definitely say if you can wait you should wait because you'll have a much better experience in 6 months then if you play it now.
I've played Cyberpunk for 15 hours. I've driven 5 minutes. I generally walk of many times an NPC will drive me somewhere which I enjoy immensely.

Cyberpunk joins Wasteland 3 as my 2 favorite games of the year. Night City is one of the most impressive game worlds I've ever played in.

p.s. I play the story difficulty which means the combat does not get in the way of enjoying the world or the characters.
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