Tobold's Blog
Thursday, July 13, 2023

I did something today which I haven't done in quite a while: I signed up for beta access to a new MMORPG. The game is called Palia (referral link), and the promise is that it will be a cozy game, kind of a Stardew Valley MMORPG. Although the graphics look more like Legend of Zelda than Stardew Valley. Closed beta starts on August 2, and it is something that I really would like to try out.

I can't know or guarantee that the game will be any good. But it certainly reminds me of a part of my MMORPG history that I liked, and which got lost: Non-combat interaction between players. And it seems somewhat obvious: When you play a cozy game like Stardew Valley, you have a lot of interaction with NPCs, from trade to romance options, and wishing that these people were real is a natural reflex. I have always thought that MMORPGs reducing other players to competitors for loot or PvP-enemies wasted the genre's potential. I remember several times in which I was part of a group of players that staged some other sort of roleplaying event in a game (I once officiated a wedding in DAoC), with basically no support from the game mechanics.

I'm not entirely sure what the point of signing up for the Palia beta is. The closed beta only lasts a week, then it goes straight into open beta from which progress carries over to live, making it an effective soft launch.

Apparently I'd already registered my interest before all of this because i got an email asking me for some extra details to add me to the closed beta pot (Not an actual invite). I did it because I was already in the system so why not, but if I get an invite to the closed beta I'll only have a brief look. It seems pointless to do much if it's going to be wiped in a matter of days and we all start over for real immediately after.
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