Tobold's Blog
Monday, October 23, 2023
Playing to no audience

This blog is over 20 years old, and viewer numbers are well down from a peak years ago, where I got like 3,000 viewers a day. These days 1,000 viewers would be a very good day, and more typically I get several hundreds. I also only get a few comments per day, sometimes none. I don't mind. But I always imagined that the more modern forms of saying your opinion on the internet, like doing a Twitch stream or YouTube video, are much more successful on average. It seems I was wrong about that.

I recently stumbled upon a site called TwitchTracker, which gives you some statistical information about your favorite Twitch channels. And as I am currently interested in some games which have very few streams and viewers, I am watching some streams where there are only a handful of other people watching. And to my surprise, when I enter those channels into TwitchTracker, it turns out that these are already the more successful Twitch channels out there. A channel with an average number of 5 viewers is already in the top 5%, and it takes only a bit over 10 viewers on average for each of your streams to be in the top 1%. The median number of viewers seems to be around 1, which is to say that there are a *lot* of channels with typically no viewers at all. The average number of viewers is 27.7, but the distribution is extremely uneven, with the most successful streamers having thousands of viewers, which seriously distorts the average.

There is a hierarchy of Twitch streamers, where the 60k most successful ones are partners, the 2 million moderately successful ones are affiliates, and 14 million streamers are non-affiliates, which means they don't have an average of 3 viewers and 50 followers. But when you open Twitch, you don't even see those small channels. The recommendation algorithm will always propose the more successful channels. You need to follow a specific game, and then scroll down the current streams for that game to find the small channels.

So, while I definitively missed the switch from blogging to modern forms of "influencing", I think I will stick with the written word. I am more comfortable with the written word. And it seems that it would take a long time and a lot of streams playing to no audience before a Twitch channel of mine would be as successful as my relatively quiet blog is.

I for one greatly prefer the written word and hope you continue your blog for a long time. Your total readership may be down, but there are still those of us who have been reading your work for many years.
I think you've been overplaying the insignificance of blogs for a long time. Sure, the glory days of the 2010s are over but plenty of people still read blogs. It's something you can do at work without anyone catching you at it, for a start. Interest in the written word has actually increased quite significantly in recent times as any publisher will be very happy to confirm, so there's probably a bit of an uptick for long-form blogging, too.
Personally I prefer written articles over videos/streams, as most videos seem to be overly long for what could be written in a very few sentences. I think the only ones I will actually watch are the ones I am forced to by work or that are entertaining enough (like some RPG adventures, like swansong, or old gods of Appalachia). Also I am not sure if your blog stats include the RSS readers.
I hahve been following your blog for several years, and I also prefer written words.

I am using feedly since Google abandoned their reader, so... a lot of time.

I don't know If It shows in your viewers metrics, as excepting this time, I don't visit your website.

In any case, thanks for all, and I hope you will continue with your interesting publications.
I continue to enjoy reading your blog posts! I like your thought provoking writing. Thank you.
I'm guilty of reading your blog at work (and at home sometimes)

I prefer reading blogs when i can but i dont mind watching youtube or twitch if the subject interest me.

Seeing those Twitch numbers makes me happy! Our twitch DND sessions usually have around 18 people watching us! yay!

And thanks a lot for keeping your blog alive.

I often consider commenting but one of your regular commenters will have mostly said what I would have said so rather than mindlessly chime in, I just nod to myself. Guess I can post my redundant thoughts more often so you know you have readers. :)
For me blogs hit a sweet spot that nothing else really does. YouTube is too long form, I often don't have 15 to 30 minutes to invest. TikTok is just tiny snippets, barely a thought. Same for Twitter. And a Twitch stream? Forget it, I'd rather be playing something.

There are also more people still reading blogs than you would think. I started a brand new blog a few years ago, mainly so Google could finds some guides I was writing. It's not a huge hit (of course because it's nothing but guides to an obscure game), but it very quickly attracted a modest readership. I stopped updating it once I had all the guides I wanted to write posted, and it still gets small but steady traffic. I think it helps that it's guides and not commentary.
I think it is comparable to bands or musicians (or actually anything).
How many fill arenas and earn platinum compared to those who play in their friend's garage?
There is just no easy metric on those, but there are usually few top performers and many amateurs.
Does your numbers include people that read your blog in a RSS feed? I only read your post in my RSS feed, I only ever visit your site to post a comment.
Been reading your blog since 2004. Maybe I left a couple of comments on your site over the years, but always enjoy reading your thoughts and insights, even when different than mine.

I read your site through an RSS reader, they aren't nearly as popular as they once were but I certainly prefer getting my curated news from RSS feeds than social media. This means your site/Blogger isn't counting me as a visitor.

Anyway, just wanted to say I appreciate you and your website, and I truly hope you'll keep on blogging for many more years. I equally enjoy your thoughts about politics and games and whatever else is on your mind, so just keep doing what you love!
It would be more interesting to compare Blog to YouTube as Twitch is something else : It is very easy to activate twitch and just play, without any comment. While writing a blog post is still some time/work, whatever the quality.

I am sure also, part of the 'bloging' has migrated to Social Network ( Facebook, twitter). My few data points is that most of the legal & economy blogger I was following in french are active on Twitter but no longer update their blog - and with the recent update on twitter I can no longer read them without creating an account.

But I join the rest of the chorus : I enjoy reading your blog, so thank you !
Indeed, I am sure there are lots of people who prefer to read rather than watch videos. Even though the proportion is probably a bit lower in the younger generations!
Chalk me up as one of your daily visitors. I tend to comment a lot here too. This blog is one of my familiar corners of the internet that hasn't really changed much over the years, except for you dropping the MMO bit of your name. I like reading your posts and the comments here.
This blog is very useful and full of information. I really appreciate it.
I'm like a few of your followers, I've been around since the Google reader days (I miss that reader). My RSS feed has gone down drastically, so many people I used to follow stopped posting. I used to love playing WoW and your blog was my favourite. Now the content varies and doesn't always feature content from my interest but I still enjoy reading your posts. I only visit your actual site to post so not sure if you get visitor numbers from Feedly.

I'm also an older professional (software developer) with disposable income and many video games so it's nice when you play games that sound like what I want to check out. Hopefully you keep going for awhile yet.
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