Tobold's Blog
Friday, December 22, 2023
My year on Steam

Steam sent me a recap of what I have been up to on that platform in 2023:

The summary isn't bad. Three games together took up more than half of my time on Steam. While Steam doesn't tell you the overall number of hours played this year, the fact that AoW4 only came out this year allowed me to calculate the overall number from my played time for that game. I spent around 1,000 hours on Steam. Add the hours I spent on the PC playing games on other services like Epic Games Store or XBox Game Pass for PC, plus the hours on the Nintendo Switch, and I played around 4 hours of games per day. That is the obvious advantage of being retired, one has a lot of time for one's hobbies.

So where am I with those big three games? Age of Wonders 4 I have continued playing since I got the recap, but I think I will take a pause until the next DLC comes out in Q1 2024. Baldur's Gate 3 I have been stuck in the middle of Act 3 for months, totally planning to finish the game "one day", but never getting around to it. And Against the Storm I now restarted a new game since the game left early access. I don't know yet which will be my three most played games of 2024, but it is likely that the games of 2023 will still see some time played next year.

Steam says that I played 15 games on Steam this year, and I would estimate another 15 games on other platforms. 30 games a year for an average of 50 hours per game sounds like my playstyle, rather than playing a lot more games for a lot shorter time. Of course the kind of games that I like to play, from strategy to role-playing, are not the kind of game that you could possibly finish in an hour or two. But given the flood of new game releases in 2023, I can't help but think that it has become impossible to "keep up". Not that playing everything is actually a good goal to pursue. However, I think 2023 was somewhat special in the number of releases, and that there are a lot of economic factors that will result in the coming years seeing fewer releases than 2023. Still, it is unlikely that I will run out of games to play.

I saw my year on Steam the other day too, and immediately thought I wish it reported the number of hours played alongside the percentage.
"30 games a year for an average of 50 hours per game sounds like my playstyle, rather than playing a lot more games for a lot shorter time."

Pretty funny difference in perspective - I read the sentence before this and I thought your follow-up would be "30 games a year for an average of 50 hours per game sounds like my playstyle, rather than playing less games for a longer time".

To me 50 hours in one game is REALLY low! Must be my old age - it takes a long time for me to learn a game and once I know it, I don't want to put effort in a new one. I tend to play specific games for years and years...
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