Tobold's Blog
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Weight of Games

On BoardGameGeek, the biggest board game database, every game is listed with a "weight". The scale goes from 1 to 5, with games like Candyland and Monopoly being below 2, while games like Twilight Imperium (which takes hours of rules explanation and setup) are above 4. With time I learned that my preferred games are usually around weight 3. I bought some games above 4, like Mage Knight, and they have always been too daunting to even try. Games below weight 2 tend to bore me quickly.

Unfortunately for computer games there is no such scale. Obviously computer games have a weight too, from something like Angry Birds at the low end to something like Europa Universalis IV at the high end. There just isn't a weight score listed on Steam or elsewhere. But my preferences for video games are similar to my preferences in board games: Trivial games bore me, while highly complex games are too daunting to try.

On my previous post, reader Shilgrod commented: "Have you played rimworld? I think you would like it". Rimworld has been on my Steam wishlist for years. And whenever I watch a video or stream of somebody playing it, I think "this looks too complicated, I better stay away". Probably Shilgrod is right, and once I got into the game I would like Rimworld. But the barrier to entry is high. Somebody starting to play probably doesn't understand many of the game mechanics initially, and in a game about survival that can quickly go catastrophically wrong. Another game I would probably like if I ever could overcome the barrier to entry would be Dominions 6, coming out next week, but I never managed that feat in the previous 5 incarnations.

Weirdly there is some influence of pretty graphics on this. The higher weight games I have played and liked, like Age of Wonders 4, had pretty graphics. Games that look like a marriage between basic graphics and an Excel sheet are harder to get into. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe there is just a correlation between a game like Mind over Magic being both easier and prettier than Rimworld.

The thing with rim world, while on your weight scale it is probably 4+ the ability to tone down the difficulty is there. You can switch it at anytime also. I want you to play as I can read about your experience....I have qell over a thousand hours in, an DC still am learning new things....I try not to use outside resources on games I play.
Also, losing in Rimworld is fun. I definitely didn't know what I was doing in my first game. My settlers were eventually on the edge of a nervous breakdown because of my mismanagement. They had a cat that was helping them keep it together. A deer went crazy and started attacking my house. We fought the deer off, but not before it injured the cat, which eventually succumbed to its wounds. My female settler was so grief stricken that she went insane and killed my other settler.
I agree. It would be very helpful to have a video game weight score. Much like HowLongToBeat can give us info on how long the game is.
@Tobold: along this game weight topic, you may have identified an excellent website idea to benefit the gaming community, and potentially make money.
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