Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Sorry for comment problems
I don't do much comment moderation on this blog. I do have a setting that any comment on a post that is older than 2 weeks has to be approved by me, but that is only because it is the older posts that are primary targets for spam comments wanting to advertise something. If you comment on an older post, and the comment is not spam, I'll generally approve that and the comment will become visible within a day. There is no problem, because I get an email, and I am the kind of person who reads his email more than once per day.
I also get an email for every comment on more recent post, but without me having to approve the comment for it to become visible. There is just one problem with that: Sometimes Blogger decides on its own that the comment is spam, and doesn't publish the comment, pushing it into a spam folder instead. But it doesn't tell me that in the email it sent me about the comment being made. And I only look at that spam folder rarely. So yesterday I checked it, and found 3 completely valid comments having been marked as spam and not published over the last 2 weeks. They all were from the same person, so maybe Google for some crazy reason erroneously thinks that person is a spammer. But with me reading comments in the emails, and not on the blog, I simply didn't notice that the comments hadn't been published.
While I think this is a bad system, and I should receive better notification when Blogger thinks I got spam, the only thing I can do is check that spam folder more often. But be assured that if you wrote a comment and it didn't appear on my blog, it probably was a mistaken spam filter rather than me trying to censor you. I didn't even censor the crazy conspiracy theorist this week.