Tobold's Blog
Friday, February 14, 2025
A right to cheat?

Yesterday afternoon I tabbed out of my game of Civ 7 and started the Epic Games Launcher to get the weekly free game. Back to Civilization I then encountered a strange bug: Some of my units had become invisible. I searched the internet, and found what was wrong: Civilization VII anti-cheat software. Basically Civilization VII uses Denuvo anti-cheat software to protect against cheaters, even in single-player games. If you start software like Cheat Engine or Wemod, you are being punished with those invisible units, or the game crashes and loads a screen telling you to not cheat. And for some unknown reason the anti-cheat thinks that some totally harmless software like the Epic Games Store is cheat software. You basically shouldn't start any software in parallel to a running Civ 7 game.

While that bug is annoying enough, I am also not very happy about the basic concept of trying to prevent cheating in single-player games. I knew that Civilization 7 came with anti-cheat software, but had assumed that this only applied to multiplayer games. I have used software like Cheat Engine and Wemod to modify games, and in a single-player game I consider that to be a "mod", not a "cheat". That gets especially weird if you consider that there are already mods that exist for Civ 7, and more mod support is promised. If a mod that makes you start the game with 1,000 gold is legal, why would adding 1,000 gold with Cheat Engine or Wemod be illegal?

I feel as if I should have a right to cheat in single-player games, and Firaxis is currently interfering with that right.

here here!

Denuvo is piracy protection not an anti-cheat as far as I know. It's caused issues in games before so I wouldn't be surprised if it indeed is the culprit here.
Totally agree. That's really overstepping things. Single player is single player. Let people enjyo however they wish.
Does Civ VII require you to be "always online" to play? I wonder if its ovezealousness is due to a risk associated with cheats that can be implemented in single player and then extended to multiplayer or something. But otherwise, yeah, this is 100% stupid.
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