Tobold's Blog
Friday, February 18, 2005
WoW Journal - Day 8

On day 8 I do the census a bit later, at 8 pm, to see if that changes anything. It doesn't. 461 characters online on the Horde side, highest level now 41.

I do some smithing and auction house transactions, then head over to Thunder's Bluff to hand in the main Wailing Cavern quest. I receive a very nice blue sword, the Wingblade. So now I'm armed with a bow and a sword, instead of a gun and an axe, and I have zero skill in my new weapons. So I start whacking low level mobs in Mulgore and Durotar. At the southern tip of Durotar there are some low level centaurs, half of which are armed with bows. Ideal for practicing a ranged weapon, as they don't run up to you.

Then I head for the Crossroads. Two quests from the Wailing Caverns not finished, one for collecting Serpentblooms, the other to kill a mob in the non-instanced part of the caves. Hey, maybe I can solo these, let's try that. The plan fails insofar as I get invited to a pickup group standing in front of the Wailing Caverns. They do have some quests I didn't even know about, and share those with me. Now I'm up to 4 unsolved quest, and enter the Wailing Caverns with them to do these.

After killing the first Fanglord, the other warrior in the group suddenly has to leave. We continue with 4 people, but still manage to kill all three remaining Fanglords. Then we fail twice to kill Verdan the Everliving. Afterwards I would like to do the escort quest to wake up the sleeper of the Wailing Caverns, which you can only do if you killed the four Fanglords. But after two wipeouts two of the four group members are fed up. The remaining guy starts the quest before we can discuss that further, and we get wiped out again, to a "told you so" comment of the not present healer. The group splits up. Now you know why I prefer guild groups to pickup groups.

Anyway, I got some more loot, and I am level 21 at the end of day 8.
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