Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
WoW Journal - Day 20

Day 20 brings a big change in the game for me. I start the evening as usual with Raslebol doing some auction house transactions, and some smithing for guild mates. Out of metals again, I'm going mining. But I don't get far before the three guys from my D&D group appear one after another. We organize a private chat channel, which is very easy in WoW, just /join channelname, with the channelname being something agreed upon via tells. We spend some time chatting and planning, and the result looks like this:

We create one new character each, which will be dedicated to playing only in a group consisting of us four. As our "solo" characters are Horde, and the other guys haven't seen the other side yet, we create these new characters on the Alliance side. And all in the same starting zone. The starting zone that offers the greatest variety of possible classes is the one for the dwarves and gnomes, due to having two possible races. So we end up with me as gnome rogue, plus my friends as dwarf paladin, dwarf priest, and dwarf hunter.

This evening we play them up to level 4, which isn't all that much. But Real Life ® intrudes and calls one of my friends away, and we have been slow getting things organized. Still lots of things to discuss and to learn for them, for two of them it is their first day in the game.

I then spend some time running with Raslebol to Gadgetzan, because I have a plan. Normally there would be no way to transfer money and items from my rich Horde character to my poor Alliance character. You can't send mail between the sides, and you can't open a trade window either. But there is a neutral auction house in Gadgetzan. So I wonder what would happen if I put up something completely worthless on auction there with my gnome rogue, and then buy it for 2 gold with my troll warrior. That should effectively transfer 2 gold, which for a level 4 rogue is a princely sum. Only problem will be getting the level 4 character to Gadgetzan, because that means crossing several high level zones. I'll try that tomorrow.
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