Tobold's Blog
Friday, June 17, 2005
WoW Journal - 17-Jun-2005

I finally got around to check what my battleground experiments had yielded me in PvP rank. Honey had a total of about 500 honor, which resulted in a standing of 300 (that is 299 players on that server on that side had more honor that week), and a new rank, Private (Rank 1). Tobold had a total of 1000 honor, but a standing of 0, and still no rank at all. That obviously confused me a bit. But some nice people on the WoW message boards sent me in the right direction. As the new honor system guide (World of Warcraft Europe -> Info -> Basics -> Honor System Guide) explains, one needs at least 25 honorable kills to keep or attain rank 1. And then there is a second cut-off based on honorable kills of all players on your side and server, and if you are below that, you can only hold or achieve rank 1, not more.

Kind of stupid to first give out honor points, and then not making them count due to number of honorable kills. It was easy to get honorable kills with Honey, you just need to do 1 single point of damage to the enemy before he dies to get a kill counted. With a Warlocks rain of fire and long range spells that is easy. Getting your number of honorable kills up with a warrior is a lot more difficult, unless you start doing stupid things like using your ranged weapon to fire on everybody on the battlefield. I think I'll just won't do any more PvP with Raslebol, except maybe try Warsong with him too, and keep that activity reserved for the warlock.

In other news Raslebol dinged 59 last night. The end is near! Even if I don't consider it as an end. But I'm highly motivated to rush to 60 this weekend. Less than 200,000 xp remaining, and all on double xp rest bonus. And I want to visit all the overland zones I haven't been yet, like the two plaguelands.

One quest I did yesterday was The Stones that Bind Us, given by the fallen hero of the horde who stands just at the entranced of the Blasted Lands. Quite interesting, you have to kill a special sort of undead, whose soul is captured in crystals. You need to incapacitate the undead, then destroy the crystal, before you can finish off the mob. The reward was a trinket that promised to increase mana and hitpoint regeneration by 5. But according to the regeneration counter on Telo's info bar that doesn't work. I need to research that a bit more, jump off a tower in Ogrimmar and see how many hitpoints I regain at each tick with or without the trinket.

But the most xp I got yesterday was in the temple of Jintha'Alor, where I went with the two D&D buddies who have characters on Runetotem (the others only play on the French server Khaz Modan). There are a number of elite quests in the new Horde village in the Hinterlands, which all lead to this temple. And while the temple and the whole zone were relatively empty from players previously, right now it is a pretty busy place. We killed lots of elite trolls up to level 52, and did our elite quests, so we all racked up a nice amount of xp. My friends are level 51 and 52 now, and I dinged 59, so we'll soon be able to go into the high-level dungeons together, inviting two more people. For now I'm concentrated on reaching 60, doing quests outside of dungeons. I'm going to abandon the remaining non-elite quests from the Hinterlands. None of them gives a reward beyond money and xp, and I'd rather go to new places than do the green quests there.
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