Tobold's Blog
Thursday, July 21, 2005
TV on demand

Since early this year I'm using a DVD / hard disk recorder (Philips DVDR725H) instead of a video cassette recorder. The Philips machine isn't quite as intelligent as a Tivo, but maybe that is a good thing. Tivos only seem to be available in the USA anyway.

So since I have this new recorder, my TV habits have changed. I don't watch much, but now I only watch recorded things, no more live TV. It is so much more pleasant to have the machine automatically record my favorite TV series, never missing an episode.

Then I started buying TV series on DVD. The Sopranos for example, which never ran on TV here. Or Northern Exposure, a TV series I liked a lot in the early 90's.

Now I'm thinking how all this is changing the face of TV. It used to be that the TV set your schedule, you had to be there on time or miss the programme. Video recorders were a stopgap measure, usually resulted in cutting off either the start or the end of the program, and you were always hunting for empty cassettes. Now the Philips machine has an electronic TV guide, you click on the programme you want to record, and it'll record it even if the emission is late for some reason. It will still record the ads, but you can skip them with the jump forward button. (Obviously advertisers aren't happy about the latter feature.) With programmes on your hard disk or bought on DVD you watch what you want, when you want. It has become TV on demand. I wonder how this will evolve further. When will I be able to choose a TV series and episode and get it streamed directly from the cable company to my TV?

I would recommend taping Northern Exposure off of the Hallmark channel, if you can get it there.

The extremely high quality of the music they used on the show back in the 90s means that, in order to release them on DVD for less than a million dollars per season a lot of the music had its serial numbers filed off.

Important musical selections were left in, but a lot of the good but not essential stuff was replaced with less expensive pap. On Hallmark, you have do deal with commercials but at least you get the full musical experience.
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