Tobold's Blog
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Barbie Online

No, not a new game I beta tested, "Barbie Online" is just an expression we had on the old discussion boards for the part of every MMORPG where you dress up your character. Friday in BRD I got a Chief Architect's Monocle, and had to decide between it and a Gemburst Circlet. Basically the monocle has 10 more intelligence, while the circlet has 15 more spirit.

Now I got a guild mate who is good in WoW stats math, and he explained me that 8 spirit on a priest is equivalent to 1 mana per second regeneration, starting 5 seconds after your last casting, or 120 mana in 120 seconds. 8 intelligence on a priest gives him 120 mana more. So unless you get 2 minutes in a fight where you don't cast, the intelligence is much better than the spirit. Soloing fights usually last less than a minute, and in a group you rarely get even 1 minute of rest, so the int from the monocle is preferable to the spirit of the circlet.

But what influenced me as much as the math was the looks. Kyroc is undead, with a pale skin tone, a bald head, and I choose one of the few undead face options where the jaw isn't missing. So Kyroc doesn't look much like a zombie, I cover my rotting flesh in long robes, but more like a creepy human. The monocle, while not highly visible from a distance, fits *perfectly* to that look, while the circlet looks rather dumb.

In a similar decision I tailored myself a Mooncloth Robe rather than a Mooncloth Vest. That increased the cost by 40 gold for 2 golden pearls, for 5 more int and 7 less spirit. But more importantly the robe completely covers my legs, while with the vest you see my pants. And all pants on undead characters are shown as shorts, with rotting legs showing under frayed tissue, which just doesn't look stylish enough for me. I don't mind Warchief Rend in UBRS shouting "Kill the one in the dress!". :)

For Raslebol I never found a good looking head dress, but fortunately there is a possibility in the interface options to turn the helmet invisible. On Raslebol I have an orange irokese haircut, and trolls don't exactly stand straight. A plate helmet looks horrible, and makes it difficult to tell my troll from somebody elses troll. Plate armor looks a lot better on humans, on Raslebol you need to look twice before you even see that he is wearing plate.

So while I was thinking of the different clothing items and looks, I realized that there is a big deficiency in the WoW crafting system. There is no choice of looks! For both loot items and for crafted items, if you choose an item by its level requirements and its stats, you are stuck with its look. A better system would allow the crafter to do the same chest piece either as vest or as robe, or the same head item either as headband or felt hat. In WoW you can't even have the same item in different colors.

In fact the WoW crafting system is not designed as an alternative occupation for the more casual players, but just as an additional thing to do for the standard and hardcore gamer. All the good recipes either drop in high-level dungeons, or need many hours of grinding reputation. With Kyroc I learned tailoring and enchanting, and got all the recipes from the trainer, and the affordable ones from the auction house. But then I found that for these not-so-rare enchantments there is basically no market. People below level 60 don't want to spend anything on enchantments, as their equipment changes too fast. And people at 60 only want the really high-level enchantments, like crusader. A crusader recipe costs several hundred gold pieces on the AH, and as the ingredients are hard to get, you just don't get enough clients to ever recover the cost. Tailoring isn't profitable either: loot from dungeons is generally better than tailored stuff. And the market in bags is dead, due to lots of people farming, and the price of looted traveler bags being half the cost of tailoring a mooncloth bag. I think when the expansion comes out a lot of people will drop tailoring in favor of jewel crafting, including me.
I actually found tailoring to be better than most of the drops I got. I am still wearing Robes of Power while I work on the materials for my vestments. Maybe I need to be more hardcore?
That really depends on where your items tend to come from. I would situate the best tailored items as being better than green quest drops, but worse than blue dungeon loot. So if you solo a lot, tailoring might be more useful than if you prefer 5-man dungeons like me.
One important thing with Tailoring - the epic class patterns. My 60 Warlock is a Tailor/Enchantress. I managed to pick up the epic Warlock Tailoring pattern on the AH for only 50g or so (cheapest of the class tailor patterns, thankfully). It took me quite a few hours of farming but I managed to make a Robe of the Void. It is by far one of the best Warlock robes out there, even being preferable, in some cases, to the Tier 1 and 2 Epic drops! The Priest and Mage patterns are similarly nice. If you can afford it and want to invest the time, it is well worth it to make one of these epic items. (Plus it's a relatively easy-to-get epic. No dungeon crawling, no rolling, just lots of farming and gold.)

The other nice thing about Tailoring is that it is incredibly helpful for your alts. If you make another cloth-wearer or have a friend leveling a cloth-wearer, the Tailored items are very nice to use. I especially like the +shadow dmg items my Warlock used (and still uses). The +ice dmg and +fire dmg are similarly nice for a Mage.

And as for Enchanting, it's not generally good for making a profit but I like it since I can easily enchant my own items with low investment of time. It's easy to throw a +7 sta on new boots or +100 health on a new chest. Maybe not worth the investment to get there but helpful nonetheless.
About +int vs +spirit: this weekend I made an Excel spreadsheet to compare the relative total "goodness" of staves from a warlock's point of view (biggest weights on +int, +sta, and +shadow_damage). It could be worthwhile to a priest also by changing the weightings? I posted it on allakhazam here:;mid=113978259020405843;num=4;page=1

My 56 warlock also took up enchanter/tailoring. I agree with Alan above: I'm just working on grinding out the demonic runes to make a Robe of the Void. On the AH I scan for "usable recipes" and see the priest epic tailoring armor (Truefaith Vestments) all the time.

I'd also like to see more variety in crafting -- not just looks, but also quality of crafted items, like you've posted before about SWG. But Blizzard probably puts that as a very low priority. I think of WoW like Singapore: a nice place to live, but very tightly regulated.
Problem is that on Runetotem the pattern for Truefaith Vestments sell for 200 to 250 gold. And then you only have the pattern, and still need to spend a fortune on the materials. And of course the thing is "bind on pickup", so you can't even make them for sale.

Well, maybe later, but right now I simply can't afford those.
I've been lucky 3 times over. Two Warden Staves, each sold for 225g or so, and one Truefaith Vestment Pattern, sold for ~325g. Those 3 big sales bankrolled a lot of things for my char, including my Warlock's Robe of the Void. Without that luck, yeah, it would have taken me easily 3-4 times longer to get the Robe of the Void.

Best I can offer is to sell Mooncloth on the AH. 4g spent for Felcloth becomes 9-10g per piece of Mooncloth. It's just a wee bit slow is all.
I was in IF and found that someone in open tade talk was selling the pattern for Robe of the Void. Asked for a selling price and was shocked to get this pattern for 5g! I am currently at 200 tailoring skill an plan to get my skill lvl to 300 to make this robe. Some people don't know what they have when they pick things up.
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