Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Ding 60!

My priest, Kyroc, hit level 60 now, with 13 days of /played time. That was considerably faster than my first level 60, Raslebol, who needed 21 days. But of course both twinking and more knowledge of the game helped. And while with Raslebol I still fooled around a lot, the goal with Kyroc was always to get him to level 60 as fast as possible, so he could go to dungeons with the guild.

I'm still leaving Kyroc on shadow spec, because I think that patch 1.10 will come out in 3 weeks, and I would hate to waste that free respec. I might want to solo a bit more with him to gain faction for a couple of missing enchanting recipes. I won't bother doing much with tailoring any more, I finally got my Truefaith Vestments, and there isn't much more useful stuff to make. I might make some Mooncloth, the recipe for Mooncloth bag will be changed in patch 1.10 to use only one of them. Guess Blizzard won't refund me for the Mooncloth bags I already made.

I'm not quite sure what I will do next with my soloing time. I could farm stuff with my two level 60s, but that is so boring. I have a level 60 shaman on the same server, which would make a good third class, a damage dealer complementing the tank and the healer. But I'd also be interested to play a paladin, maybe on a completely new server when Blizzard opens up the next one. I just don't know where I can get a newsfeed alerting me to when Blizzard is opening the next Euro PvE server.
grats :-)
Unless prices on Mooncloth drop, it is still more profitable to sell the runecloth and Mooncloth (about 10g or so) than to sell a Mooncloth bag (about 8g, less the cost of the thread), not including AH fees. This does, however, make it easier to craft 16-slotters for a guild.
Oh, and rush Kyroc through those instances before the patch, or it'll take twice as long to get your Devout! Grats!
Even if I've never played this game yet, nice to see a friend happily playing and reaching the top with two or three chars :)

Grats Kai

John aka Lunedust
Grats on another 60 mate :)

Your played time is interseting, I got 'Wiv' to 60 in about 13 days as well, but I didnt think I was rushing to 60 :|
I don't think 13 is "rushed", it is just played fast. According to PlayOn the average leveling time to 60 is 21 days, but that covers a very broad range. I think Cravex powerleveled his priest to 60 in 9 days, but then he was using two accounts, with the first level 60 doing the killing, and the priest on auto-follow. That is probably as fast as it gets, 200 hours to 60.
Gratz on 60 and making your Truefaith Vestments!

After I hit 60 with my second toon, I started over on a low-population PvP server (Kalecgos). I'm only level 15 so far, but looking forward to entering contested areas for a totally different WoW experience. I also heard that PvP realms have younger players, so it may be a challenge to look for a mature guild.
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