Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
WoW problems in China

Gamasutra reports players in China threatening to boycott World of Warcraft, because of technical problems. It takes over an hour to log in, and another half hour to get to your list of characters. And in China WoW is payed for by the hour, and billing starts the second you enter your password. Thus the Chinese players are paying for having to wait in the login queue, which understandably upsets them.

It seems WoW China has 530,000 users, of which up to 270,000 are online simultaneously, a surprisingly high rate of active to total users. But as these players are paying only 5 US cents per hour, maybe Blizzard didn't give them as much hardware as to the better paying American and European players.
I've figured out that on average every 150 people ahead of me in the queue represent about 15 min. of waiting. Sometimes it goes faster but not often.

I think the highest queue I've seen was around 700. Or maybe there was a 900 I once saw that I decided not to wait for, I forget. Queues of 400+ are not uncommon, especially on Sunday nights.

Personally, if I know I need to be online by a certain time (e.g. for an MC Raid), I make sure that I'm signing on at least 30-45 min before that time.
Guess I'm lucky, because I rarely see a queue. I log on directly when I come home from work, which is before server prime time, and I rarely am forced to log off and log on again. Longest queue I've ever been in was 8 minutes. So I didn't know the situation in the US was that bad.

At least that explains the news that Blizzard is planning to replace all the servers with new hardware. As I mentioned before, there is no in-game reason to cap the population at 3000. If you had better hardware, you could go up to 4000 or more, and avoid those queues. Of course you also need to open up enough new servers to avoid new players swamping the old servers until they are overpopulated again.
Draka, Earthing Ring, and Pene-something are servers I play on. I log on between 5;00 - 10;00 est daily and then randomly on weekends.

zero queues. well except for sometimes on patch days.

i cant imagine your pain, but wanted to say things are great for some users. and i am willing to bet for most users.

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