Tobold's Blog
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Do I need a forum?

I am absolutely delighted about the high quality and quantity of the discussion in the comments here recently. Okay, people don't always agree, sometimes there are some heated words, but generally we are approaching a discussion level last seen on the defunct Only that I'm the only one able to start topics right now, which doesn't seem quite fair to you guys.

Should I look into ways of getting a forum running, where we could have both threads discussing my blog entries, and you would be able to start threads too?

I'm not a programmer, and haven't got a clue how easy or hard that is to do. But I would like at least to hear your feedback on whether you would like to have a message board here. And suggestions on how to do it, if you happen to have more knowledge in this area than I do.
Eh, I can easily live with or without a forum. Your posts are excellent topic-starters. My only complaint, and very minor it is, is the 'speed' with which your posts rotate off your front page. Sometimes the discussion is in mid-swing and the post rotates off so I stop following it. A forum *would* change that, I suppose.

I guess one question is how deep down the rabbit hole you'd want the forum to go. Discussion of the posts? Certainly. Discussion of game mechanics? Right. Discussion of specific game-related things (e.g. quests, items, drops, crafting, leveling, etc.)? Your call. Discussion of recent or upcoming MMOs? Non-MMOs? Game reviews? Game suggestions? MC strategy?

Yeah, it's a rabbit hole alright. But it could be a fun one!
phpBB forums are easy peesy to set up and administrate.
I vote yes.

But i can imagine it becomes a pain in the ass to administrate as it gets bigger.
I vote yes. Now that Grimwell merged into the horrid GG, your blog has taken over it's role for me.
Instead of a forum, I would say a small box on the right-hand side of the page showing the most recent comments posted on your blog. See the Weblogs, Inc. sites for examples. This way, active discussions remain on the front page, even as the posts move off.
I'd say no, simply because a forum would lead to the open creation of topics, which in turn would eventually lead to piles of inane chatter, flaming, and the other foulness that seems to end up corrupting any forum involved with MMORPGs. I'm not saying it would happen soon, it might take years, but it would happen. By only being able to respond to the blog post discussions are more easily kept topical.
I'd suggest you have a discerning readership, so give it a whirl! I spend more time reading mmorpg boards and websites than playing, and have done for years, so another cut-above outlet would be most welcome :)
I'd vote forum, but that would imply that others create topics too, otherwise there would be no real change.

Personally I doubt I'd create topics though, as I come mostly for information and to listen to different opinions about various topics, I'm no longer active in any MMORPGS so I wouldn't have much to bring to you unfortunately.

Yours friendly

Oh a question by the way. Does anyone know if Elder Scrolls - Oblivion is going to be a great RPG game ? Did any of you get to betatest it ?

No forums please. Too many problems with that, wich would kill the blog flair for me. I like to see old topics gone. With forums you often see an ancient post pop up, cause someone finetuned his argumentation/flame. We all love this right?
About Oblivion, I don't know how good it will be. The prequel, Morrowind, was pretty much a single player version of a MMORPG. I just hated the game controls, and thus didn't play it much.

There is a little game called "World of Warcraft" that you could try. ;) Knowing your play style I'm pretty sure you'd love it, at least the level 1-59 part which already takes longer than Oblivion ever will.
Okay, I made a decision and will go without a forum for the moment. What I'll try is making some minor changes to the layout to prevent some of the problems some of you mentioned.

First change, and already implemented starting from now is that the front page will now hold my last 12 blog entries, instead of the last 7 ones. That should decrease the "scrolling off" problem during periods when I blog too much. :)
Thanks, Tobold!

And 'blog too much?' No such thing!!!
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