Tobold's Blog
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide

My guild mates in my alliance guild swear on Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide being the fastest way to 60 for any alliance player. I looked through it, and it helped me find some hidden quest givers I would have otherwise missed, like the two elves spying on the Grimtotem camp in Feralas. But otherwise following the guide looked too much like playing on rails. I prefer a more spontaneous, but probably less efficient way to play.

Which always leads back to question whether World of Warcraft *begins* or *ends* at level 60. If WoW had a fast forward button, would you press it? Or would you think that by going too fast to 60 you would be missing half of the fun?
That's an awesome quest chain in Feralas because it eventually rewards you with a Sprite Darter Vanity Pet :)
hmmm good question Tobold. On the one hand, allot of the quests in World of Warcraft seem monotonous at times; especially since 70% or more are kill x amount of this mob and x amount of that mob. On the other hand, if we were able to hit a fast forward button and immediately warp to level 60, I think it would alienate the players into two tiers: those who leveled their characters and knew how to play the class, and those who hit fast forward and were the reason the group wiped over and over again. An alternative that I can think of would be to offer two different types of game within the same game: one version where players level to 60 and play with others that did the same, and another version where all of the people that hit fast forward played together much like a Guild Wars free PVP test weekend.At least that way if you ever got bored with leveling at say level 50, there was an option to skip ahead but at the cost of abandoning your guildies who decided to stay and grind it out. I think this could work well for players who only wanted to raid but would have to come with certain restrictions such as removal of auction house privilages to ensure economic stability. A fast forward to level 60 PVP would be good but then everyone would have to have the same armor and with a game like WOW where level and gear matters more than skill, I am not sure that it would be possible to keep PVP interesting when everyone had the same attributes ect.
I used that guide for a while, but then I realized it took some of the fun out of just playing. I don't know, some of the fun is having a laugh with your guildmates when you can't find a place to quest in.
Ha I have to admit to using that guide during my WOW days. I didn't follow it slavishly but it was a big help when I could only play for short periods (1 hour or so) each day. Prior to finding Jaime and the wow-pro website my levelling progress ground to a halt. If you only play for an hour each day you spend most of your time travelling to or from quest locations - it is very hard to make positive progress. It was particularly frustrating to arrive at a spot only to find I didn't have all the pre-requisite quests or materials. Jaime's guide allowed me to load up with all quests and materials before travelling to a new zone.
Sorry for the second post but I want to comment on Wolfgandoom's suggestion that pvp would not be interesting if everyone of a given class had the same attributes. I don't accept this - surely a level playing field where everyone had the same stats and equipment would put the emphasis on strategy and skill.
Without knowing this guide existed (just using prior WoW knowledge) I did the Mirage Flats quests almost exactly as directed. It didn't even take one complete circuit of the Flats to complete almost every gathering/killing quest for that area.

I think PvP where everyone has Tier-X gear would be boring, for those people who want to pwn the hell out of the nubs that don't have Leet Gear. For the rest of us, it would be a lot of fun to know that we're playing on an almost perfectly level playing field because you have your Tier 0 set and I have mine. PvP under those rules would be determined by skill rather than gear, and the 12-year old Grand Marshalls would hate that.
I guess I should clarify exactly what I meant when I said it wouldn't be much fun in WOW if everyone had the same gear. Anyone who has played guild wars PVP can tell you that what set that game apart from world of warcraft is all the different skill combinations that were available. If you chose to be warrior with mage killing abilities-lots of interupts- then your ability to kill another warrior wasn't as good as the warrior with armor penetrating skills. With world of warcraft, each build while different based on talents, is still just about the same until you add gear into the equation. I agree with sane mike that it would take an immense amount of strategy to be able to beat a team of 10 other players that were nearly identical to your team, but I think it would come down to who can mash the buttons faster because a rogue would be fighting another rogue the same way. Where is the fun in that? Part of what makes guild wars PVP so great is that with 100's of skill combinations your chances of fighting the same class build twice is slim to none and that for me adds an element of surprise; thus keeps the game fresh.
Yikes, the Jame's guides have disappeared. At this writing, the URL to the guides cannot be found. I find them invaluable and hope they didn't disappear forever. Is anyone else having a problem with finding the guides?
I checked, and they just redesigned the WoW-Pro site. The Jame's guides are now at
Now how do you print them? I can only do it by copying and pasting into Word and the margins and fonts are not as nice.
Jame's guide is awesome. But I am using on an alt.

I have on character at 57 and another at 55. They went up the old fashioned way. No grinding for experience. At level 50 I began to grind for Argent Dawn rep, which also has the benefit of leveling, but no grinding just for leveling.

I rolled a paladin and now I want him up to 60 ASAP. I wouldn't want to hit a button to do so, that takes the pride out of hitting 60 (as a casual player who can only play 1-2 hours at a time, yes I'll be proud to hit 60). But I want to be effiecient and don't mind being "on the rails".

So for me, I'd say I would never want to follow the guide for my first, but for my third it's perfect.
When I try to access the site, it says that wow-pro could not be found.

Does anyone have a new link?
Same with me, wow-pro cannot be found.
There are some really sticky points in the game where you just have to get a horse before you go mad, or complete the last couple of quests to level 50. Jame's guides are superb as that, guides. I used them several times on my main (I am a very casual player - took nine months to get to 60), and I'd often just read them during a quiet time at work, get inspiration, and make much better use of my limited time later that night. Whilst playing though, I rarely referred to them directly. I did find that quest chain near the grimtotem camp though, and very pleased I was that I did - it was a lot of fun.
I have the first part of the guide sitting in front of me right now. In fact I'm on the last part of the 30-40 guide, and plan to print out the 40-50 guide today at work. Now, I used the 30-40 guide on my main because I just couldn't find anywhere to go when I hit 30. It helped me get to 40, and from there I abandoned the guide. I'm using it on an alt now, and I'd like to see how fast I runs me up in level. I would suggest not using the guide, unless you get absolutely stuck, on your first character. After that, getting to 60 is just redundant on alts.
No caps lock please. I fixed the above link weeks ago, it is working perfectly for me.
Anyone having problems viewing the site? keeps giving me the page cannot be displayed error
Apparently the WoW Pro site is occasionally down, probably due to overload. But I only link there, there is absolutely no use in complaining here. I had to delete another post consisting just of swear words.
Hey, I'm brand new to looking up leveling guides, but I have 3 character 60+.

My Guild wants a healer, so I volunteered to make one, and want to get to 60 ASAP.

I was wondering, has this guide been updated post BC? And about how long has it taken people to get to 60? I'm at work right now, and cannot access the website. Thanks to anyone that responds =)
Hey guys, im using Jame's Alliance Leveling guide and so far I've become really good at following the guide to the letter, but right now when i try and get to the website it sais "The Internet Cannot Display This Webpage!" So, if there is no way to get around that, than can someone please at least tell me how long it usually stays Messed Up? (I cant continue on my toon when its down) THANKS ALL! :D
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