Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
LotRO interview at has an interview with Jeff Anderson, CEO of Turbine. Not much new, except for the interesting thought that the Founder's system lifetime membership could cause people to not rush through the game. Is it really the thought of the monthly fee that makes people want to reach the top as fast as possible? I don't think so.
I think with a monthly fee, at least for me, you often feel like you SHOULD play more than maybe you would without one. You know to get your money's worth.

But then wouldn't dropping 200 dollars rigth off the bat or whatnot do the exact same thing?
Yeah the basic logic is flawed.

Personally the $15 per month doesn't mean anything to me, it's what I do with my limited play time that matters. I try to progress as fast as possible because I want to keep up with friends and guildmates, because I want to see what areas/instances/encounters people are all talking about, and because I have a competitive personality.

I have a feeling most other players are the same way. We have a lot of factors to outrace - the progression of others, the next xpac, the game itself becoming outmoded - and the price of admission really isn't a factor next to those.
The cost isn't an issue. I normally play a MMORG for a month (either trial or paid), to see whether I'm going to like it. If I do like it, I try and predict how long I'm going to play it, so with my WOW subscription I was happy to pay for a year in advance.
The main reason why (apart from saving a small amount of money) - too lazy to have to get my credit card out every month (and you never know when the monthly subscription might go up in price)!
I would say with a monthly fee, while I don't feel the need to "rush" I definitely feel the need to "put in my time" to get my money's worth. I typically unsubscribe from a game once I decide the hours I've been playing is not worth the DoT on my income.

However, if I were to drop 200 bucks on a single game, you'd better believe I'll be feeling that same need to put in my time and get my money's worth.
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