Tobold's Blog
Monday, April 23, 2007
LotRO Journal - 23-April-2007

Today is patch day in Europe, in preparation of the official release day tomorrow. That means that the farming patch, which the US already has since last Wednesday, will go live in Europe today. Which is the end of farming as we know it. The patch deliberately breaks farming, making it impossible to grow anything at a profit, neither from vendors nor players. It also makes it impossible to cross-breed, and thus to advance your skill to the highest level. Farming is basically "on hold", until Turbine completely reworks the system. I think a less radical solution, like reducing vendor prices for the few crops that made money, would have been better. But I'm willing to give them time to create a new farming system which hopefully works as intended.

As you might have noticed, I liked farming in Lord of the Rings Online. I liked the interactive part most, sowing fields and seeing what harvest I would get. The plant processing meant having work you character for half an hour, without you being able to do anything, except chat, which wasn't that optimal. But at least that gave me opportunity to get a lot of other Real Life ® things done over the weekend, whenever my character was processing his crops. In the 10 pre-order days I spent about 40 hours farming, which is a lot, even if half of that was afk crop processing. But the good news in that is that I managed to explore every single aspect of the old farming system. I did make a lot of money, over 3 gold, but instead of keeping that money, I spent most of it, about 2 gold, to get my farming skill up to master, and for cross-breeding. That still leaves me 1 gold in my pocket to finance my adventuring, which is more than enough at my level.

Every tradeskill in LotRO has 5 ranks: apprentice, journeyman, expert, artisan, and master. And in each rank you can be proficient or master. The recipes that pre-nerf made money were all at master expert level, so most people stopped there. The artisan and master level require more expensive ingredients, so you lose a lot of money whenever you grow a field of those ranks. But I did it anyway, and did master the artisan level, and got proficient in the master level. I didn't get to master the master level, which would have given me the grandmaster title, but I found that the title "master farmer" was what I wanted to run around with. Right now being master farmer is completely useless, there is nothing I can make that anybody would want to buy, even if I just charged them my cost. But maybe when the system is reworked being master farmer becomes useful one day. Right now I only did it for the roleplaying aspects, it gives my hobbit a solid background as farmer who is only forced by the encroaching evil to go adventuring instead of tilting his fields.

Besides skilling up, I enjoyed the cross-breeding system. You start that with rare Sweet Lobelia seeds, which can be found in treasure chests, or received by a quest. You multiply those seeds, then cross-breed them with some other seeds you can buy to make Muddyfoot seeds. Multiply those again, and cross-breed into Dragonsbreath. Multiply those again, and cross-breed into Eagle's Nest. Eagle's Nest is artisan level, so I spent a lot of time growing these to skill up artisan to master. Every field loses you some money, but the alternative is growing strawberries. And as strawberries have the same yield, but sell for ten times less than Eagle's Nest, skilling up with strawberries would have cost me a lot more. The other advantage of going the cross-breeding route is that I stored away seeds and plants of every of these rare pipe-weeds. My guild is planning a role-playing event, a farmer's market, and I'll be running a pipe-weed stall, offering rare pipe-weeds for sale. That could be fun.

I only did very little adventuring over the weekend, wanting to achieve all my farming goals before the farming system got shut down. And I'm happy I did it, there is still lots of time to quest and level up. I did finish a few quests and reached level 14. But there is still so much to do in the Shire. Not only the quests, but also the many accomplishments and traits you can achieve. I'm still determined to get the lifetime subscription. But my immediate problem is getting hold of the LotRO box tomorrow. I ordered one from Amazon UK long time ago, but apparently they haven't even shipped it yet, so I'll never get it tomorrow. Might have to check the local stores whether they'll sell it already tomorrow. I'll try the same store where I was able to get Burning Crusade on release day, but the release of LotRO isn't quite that big an event, and I'm not sure I won't be without LotRO for a few days before I can get the game somewhere.
No need to worry, they have extended the pre order phase untill the 27th, because they havent been able to supply scandinavia fast enough.

Im still wrestling with whether i'm going 6 months or lifetime. The turning points is 18 months, and i wonder if I wont be playing something different in 18 months anyway...its an awful long time in gaming...

I live in Scandinavia and I decided to order from outside of Scandinavia when I asked a local retailer about Lotro a couple of months ago and he replied : "There is no online Lord of the Rings game". Doh! You'd think they'd be somewhat interested in upcoming games?!? (Though, when I bought my copy of WoW at that store, the clerk asked if I was interested in an account with lvl 60 char in epix :P)

Ordered from CodeMasters and was really (pleasantly) suprised when I got my game last Thursday, a week before the actual launch :)

/Hanna again have come through for my order. I got the early access key when they said I would & posted the game itself on Friday so should get today or tomorrow, this also depends on how my postie feels!

As with the previous comment you have til the 27th now to get a copy of the game. I am still going for the 6 month option.
Game box just turned up in post!
I pre-ordered from a local GAME store. I believe they actually have the game in stock but are refusing to sell the full retail version until the 24th. At least they have promised to refund the €3 I spent on the pre-order pack.

I am still undecided about the founder memeber offer. I have never stuck with one game for longer than 6 months so the odds are that the founder memeber offer will be a loss making proposition for me. My real reason for considering founder membership is because I think it would change the way I play the game. One of the many things I love about Guild Wars is the lack of a monthly fee. This means I can pick up the game or drop it any time I like. I find that having a monthly fee creates a subconscious pressure to keep playing because I am paying for it - even when the fee itself is small.
Same thought here. If I paid LotRO monthly, I would have to consider cancelling my WoW account. Wouldn't want to pay two monthly fees, knowing that its hard to play two games in parallel. If it's "lifetime", then there is no obligation, no stress, no need to "get your money's worth".
I think the deciding factor for me getting the lifetime membership is knowing that come June I'll be wanting to play Pirates of the Burning Sea, Gods and Heroes, and Conan in October. Paying the lifetime fee gives me a game I'll always be able to go back to, play, and enjoy no matter what without worrying about 2 monthly fees.

I like that idea. Plus, for me, as a Tolkien fan, even though I may not always play it only, I know I'll be constantly tuning in to see the next free content upgrade, or purchase the boxed expansions to see places in ME that I intrigue me.
I'm highly considering the $199 lifetime. Just as stated above me...I'd like to be able to play here and there and not worry about a subscription. Currently I'm busy with WoW, and I'm sure I'll be busy with warhammer if the pvp is as good as people say...I also have guild wars and was thinking about picking up the expansions....

I don't have time for all of these games and I'm not gonna shell out monthly fees for all of them...although 9.99 is pretty cheep per month and I don't know how long I'll stay interested in!
oh no, now I am reconsidering the lifetime option, thanks to these comments! I had almost decided to just go for the lower monthly fee and cancel WoW. But I'm still not quite ready to cancel WoW, probably for emotional reasons. At least Turbine gives you a month to decide after launch.

You cleared 1G farming?!? It's hard to compare based on just numbers and not time put in, but my level 15 hunter now has about 280 silver. She probably spent about half the time in-game as you, and focused on questing, with some focus on deeds after she hit the level cap. She made about 1/2 of her current money from the AH, selling bronze ingots and such. But questing and not crafting has been her focus. So while I think Turbine overreacted with the farming nerf, I do see the argument that farming should be more balanced in relation to the rest of the crafts, etc.

Looks like Turbine did make a wise move in giving people a few days to enter their retail key. Sorry to hear so many in Europe and elsewhere will have a delay.
I'm amazed to see so many people who feel the same way about the once off payment. Its not because we want to play lots but because we want the freedom to not play!!! If you have never played Guild Wars you will value how great it is to feel like you are in charge - deciding when you want to play and how much. The subscription model is an important part of this. The low level cap in GW helps too because there is no fear of getting left behind by your guild mates. I wonder how turbine will handle the high level game - will they introduce a never ending cycle of raiding ala World of Warcraft?
I played Everquest for close to 6 years, not cancelling my account even when I picked DaoC up for 6 months. A lifetime sub would have been an amazing deal for me. I've been back in EQ2 for about a year now, after the initial 3 months; I've also been back in Wow for 3 months, after my initial 6. Neither would necessarily be a good deal with an initial lifetime sub, but I think it's close. It's pretty well persuaded me to go the lifetime route with LotR though -- I don't think it will be that difficult to play it for the 18 months that hits break-even, and as with Guild Wars, I will appreciate the option of putting it down and picking it up again without out stopping and restarting accounts. It's a bit more of a financial hit up-front since my husband also plays, but in the long-run I think it worth it.
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