Tobold's Blog
Saturday, May 19, 2007
LotRO fellowship maneuvers

The ever-helpful The Brasse has an article on how fellowship maneuvers work, complete with a colorful fellowship maneuvers chart. Which would probably be very helpful if you played in a well organized guild group.

In pickup groups I never got past "everybody click red" in fellowship maneuvers. And even then you rarely get all group members reacting to it. Which is a pity, because if you mastered them, your group could do some really awesome moves with those fellowship maneuvers. Besides damaging the opponent with red, restoring lots of power to everybody with the blue circles seems to be a good move for long boss fights. Now I just need a group with a burglar and people patient enough to try to master all this.
It is a bit similar to the renkei/Skill chains of FFXI or the heoric opportunities of EQ2, but the basic model is a bit simpler, so will hopefully be used more often and better adjusted to the situation eventually.

For comparision:
I hate these type of game mechanisms,
which seem to be more about stopping two boxing than about adding anything to the game.

It's basically pushing a button when a light comes on.

Great, so now I'm a lab rat instead of a gamer.
I like it, it does take a bit of organisation and team work to pull of anything more than an "all go red" scenario.

The other night we had 5 people pulling of a five man straight, and it was rewarding when we did it. Yes it is just hitting the right button at the right time, but it is still fun and satisfying when you get it right :D
My (first) character is a burglar, now lvl 22. Amazing how few players of that level know what a FM is. And IF they do, they haven't seen anything beyond the red button.
But a burglar's best virtue is patience, so every time I'm in a fellowship I try to talk tactics.
And yes, that has given an occasional success. But the most fellowships still are the hit-and-run type. And if the hunters head in first toward the frenzy, BEFORE the guardians, I know I will have to wait for another opportunity...
Hope they learn while they are growing...

Thista, Hobbit Burglar.
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