Tobold's Blog
Thursday, November 15, 2007
WoW Journal - 15-November-2007

Hadn't had one of these WoW journals for a long time, and I'm not sure they'll become a regular feature again, but I thought I'd tell you some stories about my first week back in World of Warcraft.

I haven't done much with my level 70 characters. I do log them on every day to do the egg destruction daily quest. I've paid €35 for 90 days of WoW, and with two level 70s each earning 12 gold per day just with that daily quest, I'll make over 2,000 gold in that time. That is actually cheaper than buying gold, I think, although I haven't checked prices recently. The daily quests are relatively fast, especially with my warrior who has an epic flying mount. The priest first needed to do the pre-req ogre killing quest, and is slower in destroying eggs due to having only a slower mount. But apparently the new cooking quest requires killing the birds that guard the eggs, so the priest is now less likely to be interrupted by angry mother birds.

My "main", in the sense of being played the most, is currently my bloodelf mage. I reached level 20 with him, which is a major milestone. Not only do you gets tons of new spells at level 20, but also a mage gets the first three teleport spells. Thus I can now easily travel between Silvermoon, Orgrimmar, and Undercity. I don't quite understand the logic why Thunder Bluff needs level 30, but that isn't the most important destination anyway.

Another big change at level 20 is that at this level you can raise the cap for tradeskills from 150 to 225. My mage is tailor and enchanter, so I bought lots of silk and made azure silk stuff, which I then disenchanted and recycled the dusts for raising enchanting as well as tailoring. I also disenchanted another batch of old jewelry, that my priest had made when TBC came out to raise jewelcrafting. Enchanting is a great skill for recycling. The only problem is that I can't enchant the gear of my other characters.

I reached level 20 mostly by soloing. I teamed up with single players at one or two occasions, but only had one full group. And that was the pickup group from hell, where the leader thought that if he got a group of 5 people together with levels from as low as 12 to only 19, we would be able to kill the level 21 elite "end boss" of the Ghostlands and his minions. Of course the boss wiped us out in seconds, and I didn't want to try again with the same team. But as low level players on the Horde side on my players aren't numerous, I couldn't find a better group for the three elite quests in the Ghostlands. So in the end I used a level 49 warrior from the account of my wife for a little dual-boxing event, and got the quests I couldn't solo done that way.

I still haven't finished all Ghostlands quests, so I'll stick around there and finish them. As I had lots of rest xp after my restart I probably leveled faster than intended, so the Ghostlands will at least get me to level 21, if not 22. I'm not quite sure where I will go after that, maybe I'll do the level 20ish quests of the Barrens next, to get better faction with Orgrimmar, and then on to Thousand Needles. I'd love to do some dungeons, like Wailing Caverns and Shadowfang Keep in my 20s, but the prospects are not looking good, unless I dual-box again. That would give me the rewards, but not the real fun of grouping in a dungeon, and so I'm not sure I'd want to do that. Chat is full of low-levels asking for high-level characters to run them through dungeons, but I think they are missing the point by doing it that way. I'd love to play in a group with players of my level to start learning about how to control my aggro as a mage, and be prepared for future groups. Having a high-level character run you through a dungeon teaches you nothing.
WoW journals now suddenly seem a lot less interesting to me, since I'm no longer playing and all (and I got to know the broader Tobold) :) While I'm happy that you cater to your game and WoW readers, it'd be sad if you'd lose the breadth through that...

Just saying :) Still, interesting post, now you're getting to the easier-to-level zones soon too - bright future :D
As an avid reader of your blog I just can not get excited reading about WoW. It feels like grinding. Been there, done that. Blog about what makes it fresh, different, exciting then I may be interested.
I actually started up a Dranei this weekend after not really playing WoW for a good amount of time. I was expecting to find exactly what you described - a solo experience, maybe a duo for time saving purposes when the opportunity presented itself, but no real grouping.

Surprisingly, I've had loads of interaction on a low population server, with characters my level. Last night I was in quite possibly one of the worst PUG's ever in the Deadmines, but hey... it was interaction :)
Interesting read. I'm thinking about re-installing the game for a month after the holiday next weekend to tackle Zulaman and possibly level with the new settings. We'll see how I feel in a couple of days.

(On the plus side, I won't get hooked again because school will start up after the new year.)

Chat is full of low-levels asking for high-level characters to run them through dungeons, but I think they are missing the point by doing it that way. I'd love to play in a group with players of my level to start learning about how to control my aggro as a mage, and be prepared for future groups. Having a high-level character run you through a dungeon teaches you nothing.

I've dropped out of groups for doing this, and it's one of my biggest pet peeves in mmorpgs - especially WoW.
As you do the quests in the Ghostlands you also get reputation with the main town in there. There is a vendor that has some gear you can buy at friendly, honored, revered and exalted. Doing all the quests should get you exalted. Its a nice addition to the zone since low level greens can be hard to find sometimes.
Those low-by dungeons you mentioned don't really teach you anything, even if you are a complete beginner. Only by having an experienced player along to explain how things work will you learn the basics of threat/aggro.

Wailing caverns is the dullest dungeon in Azeroth, by a mile.
If you'd like even more easy money from dailies, find a group to do the Ogri'la pre-quests on either your priest or warrior (or I guess both if you really were in it for some gold). There's four daily quests up, three that are quick and easy and don't involve much fighting. The fourth one does and so I don't bother with it on my holy priest unless I have a partner.
About the last quest boss in GHostlands, I have rolled at least 5 Belfs and leveled them to 20+. Love the Belf Zone.
Anyway, the last boss is pretty easy, you just need a few people who can actually play their characters. Myself and the wife were able to take him down at level 16 with the help of one other 16. The easiest was with our hunters but we have done it with mage/preist, war/rogue, and hunt/pally. All these were at 16 or 17. Hell our 2 hunters took down the wandering elites at 14 for some nice chunky exp.

I dig the faction gains in the starting area, the rewards are somewhat decent.
" I'd love to do some dungeons, like Wailing Caverns and Shadowfang Keep in my 20s, but the prospects are not looking good, unless I dual-box again. That would give me the rewards, but not the real fun of grouping in a dungeon, and so I'm not sure I'd want to do that. Chat is full of low-levels asking for high-level characters to run them through dungeons, but I think they are missing the point by doing it that way. I'd love to play in a group with players of my level to start learning about how to control my aggro as a mage, and be prepared for future groups. Having a high-level character run you through a dungeon teaches you nothing."

after a 7 month hiatus I was thinking of picking up wow again. Think you just killed that urge.
yea i'm close to going back simply because there is nothing else that appeals to me at the moment. I hate the thought of playing my 70 though because without playing him since Feb, he will be in awful gear and everyone that knows him will outgear him by a mile lol. Plus, my guild of 60ish players have all changed and there may be 1 person still the same, insane. That is what trying to be #1 leads too, burn out. Oh well, i may try to level up an alt though just for fun.

Next summer/fall? i'll try out AoC & WAR so I need something to play casually until then. I've done the whole best guild on server, most progressed, etc.. deal so going back and playing in a real casual way may be fun.

haha, I might even get on a 1200 arena team just for kicks. I have a broken finger right now so i could not possibly pvp very well anyway lol.
You have to wait longer to get a teleport to Thunderbluff and Darnassus because there are no mage trainers there - they are simply not magical places or races (you can't play a mage Tauren or Night Elf), so by lore and logic you would need to be more skilled to teleport there.
I hate dungeon run-through by high-level charaters with passion (both as a giver as well as a taker). I think it isn't just about not being able to learn fights (controlling aggro and stuff) but it also takes away all the fun and feeling of achievement a successful instance run with a group of a similar level characters can give us. At the same time, I also hate skipping instances just because there aren't enough players to group with and your friends don't have characters within the proper level range.
Therefore, I am wondering...whether it would be possible (or have been tested in other games) for a level based game to have several "saved characters". For example, you can save your character once in every 10 level. You will keep leveling that main character but you can take out one your "saved characters" for lower level instances to help your low level friends or to do some missed quests, etc. You can improve your saved character's armors and stuff as usual but you won't be able to level up that saved character.

ps. I've been your blog reader for a while but this is my first time posting.
I was quite surprised when I got into a good guild (good meaning friendly mostly casual players) and realized that running a low-level dungeon often meant taking a 70 along to slaughter everything in sight. It's been one of the things I don't care for very much. I think in future I'll take an alt in and do it 'right'. Though, to be fair, wiping is rarely fun....
Oh, I was going to add..

pps. I enjoy your blog very much (although some articles sound redundant).
Less useful tip for a mage, but still to reach e.g. Thunder Bluff...

Get high level mage or warlock to open portal to / summon you to Shattrah. Bind there (you can bind in Scryer / Aldor inn without siding with them) -- and you now have relatively fast reach of every major town (through Shattrah portals).

On a second though mage might want to bind where (s)he quests, so consider this a non-mage tip ;)
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