Tobold's Blog
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Second half Karazhan

I haven't exactly "finished" Karazhan yet, but now I visited the second half of it, and killed the end boss, the prince. Now that felt more like a real raid and not easy mode raiding, because it took us about 10 attempts before the prince died. In the end we managed it, by letting our druid tank instead of our paladin. I might be prejudiced, but I'd say that we were missing a warrior tank. Anyway, the whole raid from Nightbane to the prince took 7 hours, including having to clear respawned trash mobs again.

I picked up an off-hand healing item from Aran, and a necklace that was more a damage caster one from the prince. I would have loved the priest/warrior/druid helmet token the prince dropped, but our druid needed it too and well deserved it. I don't know what it is, but I found that strangely in this round of raiding I care a lot less about loot than back in the days of Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. I'd rather not fight and see everybody get something and be happy.

Wiping didn't bother me. But I must admit that after 7 hours of straight raiding I was knackered, and my performance in the last fights was probably less than optimal, due to fatigue. And I had run out of potions, in spite of having brought 14 each of elixir of healing power, elixir of major mageblood, and 10 super mana potions. Are there any flasks that give healing bonus? For repeated wipes that might be better than elixirs.

I am going to spend this Sunday farming gold and herbs with my warrior, to finance the expensive raiding habit of my priest. You might have heard the news that some guy discovered the hard way that the maximum amount of gold you can have in WoW is 214,748 gold. But I can assure you that the guy was not a raider. Only casual players ever get rich in World of Warcraft.
Tobold - you are guilty of making the classic assumption that all non-raiders are casual players. Certainly this guy does not appear to be a raider. According to the article he played WOW as an economy sim. However in order to become the richest player in the WOW universe I can only assume he every waking hour into this task which hardly qualifies him as a casual player.
I've investigated the player in question (the one on the screenshot provided on wowinsider) by checking the armory for Zxtreme and Ryetoast to be in the same guild - and that is Blood Legion on US Illidan realm.

Apparently from this person's gear it doesn't look like he is a casual player; he has 4 pieces of priest's Tier 6 including the chest item.
7 hours raid? That's pretty hardcore. I'm in a guild that's cleared Mount Hyjal and Black Temple and our raids are 4 hours.

Re: Repairs. I usually get more gold from trash than I spend on repairs and consumables. You're using food buffs and mana oils, I hope?
7 hours is indeed pretty hardcore. My guild is currently at Mother Shazzrah, and our raids usually last for 3 hours, 4 at most. That extra 3 hours is better spent reading tactics, getting consumables and better items for the next raid. Or even PVP, if you need some more stamina gear.

Try improving the quality of the time spent instead of the quantity. At worst, it'll feel like work. At best, it'll feel like work.
7 hours is too many, my guild often has a maximum of 4, maybe 5 at the most, but we usually only spend 3 hours raiding. And with dailies, you end up having plenty of cash ... but then again my main healer is also an alchemist. In answer to your question about flasks, other than the Gruul ones there's only Mighty Resto, which is actually (imo) pretty useful for a Holy Priest.
At worst, it'll feel like work. At best, it'll feel like work.

I actually read that blog entry of yours before, and could hardly restrain myself from leaving a comment. Why on earth would I want to pay $15 a month for something which at best feels like work, if I could actually work and get paid for it?
I'm note sure if I misunderstood this.. you raided 7 hours in the second half, meaning that completing Karazhan took two days with about 7 hours each?
Sounds very strange to me.. a raidgroup who needs this much time shouldn't be able to kill the prince. A group that is able to kill the prince should be faster. If thats usual for that group it could be wise to split it up to three days as you already noticed your decreasing performance at the end. And you might want to invest some polish at earlier bosses to be faster there. If you can kill the prince, any wipe before Aran shouldn't be acceptable.

Regarding a warrior tank at the prince:
A warrior is the best kind of tank for this fight, because he has good abilities helping him to avoid taking damage which helps the healers a great bit. But thats not a must, we do it regulary with a druid tank without bigger problems. More important is perhaps (depending on the strategy you used) how many ranged and close combat damage dealers you brought.

And finally, your flask:
The only good flask for a healer is the Flask of Mighty Restoration which gives you no healing but 25 manareg/5sec.
There is an easy sure fire way to kill Prince if you drag him off the side, the raid will not wipe and he will give free purples. There is a spot to the left of the entrance you can drag him too that will never be touched by the infernals. Once we learned it, we never wiped on him again.

We can clear this place now with our eyes closed and my old guild is currently heading to Gruuls. I wont be going though, Im sick of it all.
You want flasks of mighty restoration and mana oils for mana returns. These will cut down on your chain potting and persist through death.

They are fairly easy to make if you have a herbalist/enchanter alt.

If your +healing is enough to heal through prince, you don't actually need more though any extra is nice.
I'm note sure if I misunderstood this.. you raided 7 hours in the second half, meaning that completing Karazhan took two days with about 7 hours each?
Sounds very strange to me.. a raidgroup who needs this much time shouldn't be able to kill the prince. A group that is able to kill the prince should be faster.

First raid was much faster, only 4 hours up to and including curator. And it didn't take us 7 hours to *reach* the prince, we got there much earlier and then spent hours there wiping. I don't understand why you'd think that if you can't kill him fast, you can't kill him at all. Don't raid groups wipe repeatedly on bosses that aren't "on farm" yet all the time, until they finally kill them?

And thanks for the advice all, got myself 2 flasks of mighty restoration from the auction house. The mana oil and food I was already using. Mana oil is nice, because it doesn't go away if you wipe. But the food buff and the elixirs need to be replaced after every death, which makes them expensive.
The first person to hit gold cap was Zxtreme, guild leader of Blood Legion on Illidan. They are the #6 US raid guild according to wowjutsu. Definitely a hardcore raider.
Raiders can get rich very, very easily. BT/Hyjal raiders sell Hearts of Darkness, epic gems and various recipes that drop in those instances. SSC/Eye raiders sell Nether Vortexes and recipes they find as well.

Not to mention the 'ride along' program where they can sell BOP loot that may drop by carrying 1-2 paying customers on tour in the instance.

There are also players who will pay raiding guilds to get them things like the Zul'Aman bear mount. Several folks at the Elitist Jerks forums have noted that some players are willing to pay in excess of 5-6 thousand gold for the bear mount.

Raiders used to get tons of gold before by selling Molten Core BoE epics and craftable items as well (Lava Core, Fiery Core) and items from the chests too.

It really isn't hard to make a ton of gold as a high-end raider.

raiders get rich when the content is on farm.

When they are learning the content they wipe and buy consumables and spend money like crazy trying to maximize the effectiveness of each individual.

Of course some raiders have never been on the early part of the learning curve and think that any good raid should be profitable.
We have tried numerous 'safe' spots, and I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing.
We have not had any problems with a Paladin tank in this event; maybe ours are better geared than yours. I think 10 wipes is extremely unlucky, unless you were undergeared.
On my last visit to the Prince, we got him down to 20% without having to move, but the next 3 Infernals completely saturated the area, and we wiped on about 2%.
As for the costs of raiding, hail to the daily quests, but I'm still glad I don't pay a tank's repair bills.
There is a safe spot along the external wall of the terrace; the only people on our raids now that are affected by the infernals are melee that end up jousting along the wall to avoid them and/or enfeeble. It's all a matter of placement and timing. (We're a pretty casual guild, btw, have only ventured into Gruuls once and that was mostly for kicks.) Cleared everything in Kara but Nightbane, 8 wipes on him last night. We'll get it eventually, lol.
Prince is also easily doable by leaving the entire raid in the doorway, and having your tank find max healing range along the right wall. This is far easier to execute then the left side.

Pro: It is impossible for an infernal to ever drop on the raid in the doorway.

Con: If the infernal drops on the tank your melee will have to back off and /cheer while you heal through it until despawn. Not hard to do, we've healed through two straight inferal drops and still downed him easily.
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