Tobold's Blog
Saturday, July 26, 2008
My first hours as a Death Knight

I spent my first few hours in the Wrath of the Lich King beta, and as there is no NDA, I'd like to tell you about it. As planned I made a Death Knight, and in the span of 4 to 5 hours leveled him up from 55 to 57, as well as out of his starting area, a little place I like to call Tortage.

Tortage? Isn't that the Age of Conan starting area? It is, and in Wrath of the Lich King it isn't really called that way. But taking a page out of the AoC book, the Death Knight starting area is an instanced region from which you can't reach the rest of the world until you haven't finished a series of "destiny" quests. And that plays just great, most fun I had in WoW for months. Your Death Knight starts with green armor and no talent points, and every quest gives you either a blue piece to replace a green piece with, and/or some talent points, and sometimes even some essential class skills. So by the time you finish your destiny quest series, you'll be fully clad in very good looking blue armor, have all the talent points you're supposed to have at your level, and all your essential class abilities.

And of course by being instanced, there are things possible that wouldn't be possible in the normal WoW, like the passage of time. For example when your destiny quest series is nearing the end, you're asked to go back to base by using a specific teleport portal. But that portal also transports you forward in time, to the same area, but looking much different from the advancement of events in the war between the Scarlet Crusade and the Scourge. Oh, and you're the Scourge, the epic destiny quest line tells how you'll eventually break free from the grasp of the Lich King. The whole thing contains some epic battles, with you doing various activities including steering a dracolich in a massive attack, or killing hundreds of enemy soldiers using their own canons.

Once out of the destiny quest line, you end up at Light's Hope Chapel in the regular world, and can start doing quests there. Or you can travel elsewhere. Fortunately all the flight paths are already available, you will not have to visit every zone in Azeroth on foot to tag all the flight points. I made my way to Stormwind City, used the new harbor there to get to Northrend, and learned the new profession Inscription there. I'll tell you more about that once I have explored that one more. But for a first evening in the Wrath of the Lich King beta it was a great success. I can only advise you that even if you don't plan on leveling a Death Knight up, do at least those 4 hours of destiny quest with him. It's well worth it.

Blizzard said that Death Knights should *feel* epic, and they certainly do. They also said that while feeling epic, Death Knights shouldn't actually be much better than existing character classes, especially the Warrior. Unfortunately they completely fail on that account. After 5 hours with the Death Knight I feel like deleting my Warrior (but won't do it because of his Alchemy). I can't say whether the damage output of a level 57 Death Knight is far superior to that of a level 57 fury Warrior. But his utility is far, far superior. How about a taunt that has a good range and not only forces the enemy to attack you, but also teleports him towards you? Finally a version of taunt that is useful for solo and PvP in WoW, as you can use it to keep enemies from fleeing, or even to pull. How about various abilities that convert either your damage or the enemies damage into healing, so you don't have all that downtime between fights that the Warrior has? How about spells that freeze the enemy to the ground or pelt him with spells from a distance? And that is just the start of the list. I don't know about the usefulness of Death Knights in groups yet, but I can already see they are much better soloers than Warriors, even in their frost "tank" spec. Right now census sites like WarcraftRealms show 12% of the players having a Warrior. I bet you that in a year that number will have dropped to 8% or below (if they properly update and don't count characters not played any more). Guilds will still need protection Warriors for tanking, but only a masochist would still play a dps Warrior if he can easily get a much better Death Knight. I sure hope that Death Knights are good enough as tanks in a group, because otherwise the only thing that is going to tank is the probability of getting a group together.
Hopefully warriors get some extra skills to compensate for what death knights have.

Otherwise, sounds interesting and fun. It will be nice ot read about more fully when the game comes out.

(And by an odd coincidence, after your "MMO's stealing features from each other" post, the thought of WoW stealing destiny quests from Age of Conan went through my head. And what do you know, this actually occured.)
The passage of time from stage to stage of a semi-instanced quest area isn't unique to Conan either; LOTRO featured the same concept in its introductory area, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that others had come before.
What i read about the DK sofar is positive, seems Blizzard has done some things right. Makes me want to play one now! (i already more or less decided not to level my mage to 80). Somehow i think alot of players will feel the same. And somehow i suspect that Blizzard will tone done some of the DK's abilities. Otherwise the lands will be overrun by DKs...
I remember when TBC was announced there were "leaks" that said there was going to be an instance that turned into a city (presumably after completing or doing various tasks).

I was always sad they never did anything like that (although it would certainly be fraught with peril). Glad to see they did something similar with the Death Knight starting area.

I'd be interested to hear how you thing the death knight compares to the other tanking classes. I've often joked that the DK is a druid who can't heal or stealth. What does it have to make someone pick it above a druid or prot paladin?

DK's are overpowered yes, but not much. If you finished your starting area compare the equipment oyu have with characters of level 60. See? Your blue quest stuff is far superior so his start items play a major role that he is overpowered.
Well a DK won't fix all of Blizzards problems which are many. They need to fix the end game and they they will be on to something
After watching videos of the DK leveling, the thought of my prot warrior is not very exciting. Shockwave does look interesting though.
Sounds like the deathknight should be a fun little class. I never did get any characters high enough in WoW for any of this to effect me. That is probably a good thing though considering I barely have the money to pay for EVE at the moment.
Maybe they plan on adding some crazy 51pts ability too warrior to bring their DPS up in Fury/Arms spec ?

I read soemthing about dual wielding 2H weapons. Now that would be enough to keep the warriors at 12% :P

Death Knight seems overpowered to begin with, but that's at the start. That's Blizzard's mantra, actually... it should *feel* a little overpowered. I've gotten mine to 62 so far, after doing the starting area and questing in hellfire peninsula.

Right now, Death Knight has some very powerful aoe skills, but really doesn't have that much going for it past killing outdoor mobs with little to no downtime. As an instance tank, the talents are all over the place and there isn't much room for mitigation talents because you literally have to spec into all three trees in order to do it. As a damage dealer, they aren't that good... a good number of the Blood talents are there to restore health, frost generates a ton of runic power with no outlet, and unholy doesn't bring much to raids besides just damage.

Right now DK is a great leveler... but not much more than that. You have to consider the roles a character has. Small Group, Large Group, Small group PvP, large group PvP, and solo. Right now, DK is great solo, and maybe even in small groups (running instances with no healer and a couple of blood knights with blood aura is pretty fun), but I'm not seeing their raid roles or pvp roles.

PvP is especially a bear, because the DK has no way to shed or avoid snares. Death Grip is cool and all, but it's on a 30 second cooldown, and it has no snare component. So... yank a mage to you, hit him once (snared from ice armor) and he just runs away while you slowly saunter after him.

Just my own thoughts after playing a DK for several hours.

As long as warriors have MS and a ton of mobility they will be a top arena class. They will also be the best tanking class for raids (Kalgan wouldn't allow it to be otherwise). With Titan's grip Fury will be insane PvE DPS. With all that I highly doubt warriors will drop very far in representation.

The driving force for the super high number of warriors is PvP. As long as warriors are a top PvP class they will have huge numbers.
I played a Death Knight to 57 as well and I agree with your opinion, Tobold. The starting quests and area are very well-done, with some clever instancing to create the illusion of time passing.

I am worried about two key things with the death knight.

1) General overpoweredness. This is hard to measure at 57, since they are in very good gear (comparable in stats to base 60 epics). Even in that kind of gear, I was surprised at how quickly I could mow down monsters with no downtime. I spec'd frost and found I could faceroll same-level elites by literally randomly pressing 5 buttons (plague strike, frost strike, death coil, icy touch, and something else). This may not be a big problem as the power level balances out in the 60's and 70's.

2) The much bigger threat to warriors is the quality of the death knight design. Blizzard has stated that they don't want to have death knights require a spec to tank - they want all three specs to be able to tank. This is good game design and I believe they've learned from their mistakes in the past. The bad part is, those mistakes still exist in the form of a bunch of warriors who have to respec a lot.

That's the biggest threat I see, the backlash of some rather disappointed warriors. I'm not sure Blizzard has many options to prevent this, aside from some major, major restructuring of the warrior class... and I don't think they're brave enough to do that today.
Also don't forget that there is a Bug with Death Knight "Death coil" ability.

Which might make him seem much Overpowered.

Currently (with certain builds) you can literally spam the Death Coils at no cost, once you earned enough runepower.

That's clearly a Bug and will be fixed (as long level as fast as you can *G*)

I managed to kill Lvl60 Elite at 57 with that "Bug" ,something i could only do with my Hunter before ;)
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