Tobold's Blog
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Open Sunday Thread

The traditional open Sunday thread, where you can talk about whatever you like, and propose subject for me to write about. In today's special edition you can even ask me about the Wrath of the Lich King beta, if you have specific things you'd want to know.
Playing some EQ (free trial for veterans) and I'm loving my first taste of AA. I'd heard so many horror stories about AA, that I was always leery of the game mechanic. Now I'm not so sure. As an achiever, I hate hitting the level wall and this gives me a way to build up my character after I reach my level limit.
What is more important in an MMO, for you, short bursts of fun or a longer term feeling of accomplishment?
I think that the Achievement System in wow, will do the same as AA in EQ.

So when you reach level cap, you'll be able to track even more advancment done in the game.
Can you explain the Runeforging and the DK's Runeblade to us? It sounds like the Runeblade is the DK's signature sword, however, like everything in WoW, it will soon be replaced with a green from Outlands when leveling. Or does it serve some other purpose that will keep the DK wanting to use this blade as they level up?
anyone know what`s happened to wow-pro seems to have just disappeared overnight ?
I've returned to WoW, and I'm working up a lv 65 BE mage. I used to play on a Mac iBook G4. With my new machine, I can see everything in max detail. WoW is a much prettier game than I realized, but Outland is so small!
Everything is right on top of everything else. I was happy to play $40 for the new races (love the BEs), but I can't see continuing with another little minigame. What do you folks think?
Have you tried the WotLK mage talents Tobold? They all seem lacking, compared to what other classes get.
Is spell damage/healing automatically converted to spellpower once you are in the beta or is it only in the itemization once you hit Northrend? So on my priest would it matter if I bought pvp pieces that do damage or healing? Thanks for the info.

I'm still puzzled over the lack of coverage on WoW's economy - which I feel is a large part of that world and a huge disparity between players. Classes, specs, pvp vs. pve - these topics are covered to death. But if you actually lived in WoW, maybe we'd see what a huge advantage some players have over others by way of this mini-game.
How does Blizzard handle DK trade skills? Do they start at 300?
Hot new rumor is that WAR is going to be shipped in September.

Oh my.
Random thoughts

The best future MMOGs will let you solo everything, the MMOG aspect will be showing off your gear, titles, etc..

WAR won't be so great, more of the same

WoW is dying now that the casuals are hitting max lv finally.

WotLK is going to blow!

Blizzard stole WoW from Warhammer and Starcraft from WARhammer 40k

Single player games will be much better than MMOGs for the next two years

Wizard101 is a fun, relaxing, enjoyable game better than WoW or WAR! If you don't believe it, check it out.
The best future MMOGs will let you solo everything, the MMOG aspect will be showing off your gear, titles, etc.

I don't see the second part happening, possibly the same for the first as well. Group activities tend to have more complexity and possible character interactions than solo ones, which will provide enjoyment for a lot of people, and those people will likely make up a big game market.
And for a tobold question, what do you think of the inscription profession? (Assuming you've tried it.)
Just to answer a couple of the questions so far about DKs:

I've got my Death Knight to 65 so far. Here are some answers:

Runeforging: It's like weapon-only enchanting. You pick an enchantment, apply it to your weapon, and it stays there until you decide to change it. Death Knights have a 'home base' similar to Ravenholdt with rogues. It's in Eastern Plaguelands, near Light's Hope Chapel. Death Knights also get a portal spell that takes them there (15 min cooldown), and the only DK trainers in the game are there (one for frost, one for blood, one for unholy). There are runeforges there (similar to alchemy labs) that are required for Runeforging. Most runeforged enchants are procs. List here:

There is nothing special about a DK's weapon, the whole rune-thing is just lore flavor. DKs can use sword, mace, axe, polearm.

DKs start with 0 tradeskills, and only First Aid at level 270/300. DKs also start with axes and swords (1H and 2H) trained, at 270/275 skill. If you learn maces, you have to start at 1.

All +healing only gear has been converted to spell damage. All spell damage gear has also been converted to spell damage. this makes strange things happen, like Icon of the Silver Crescent giving +43 spell power with activate of +155 spell power, and Essence of the Martyr giving +44 spell power and activating +158 spell power.

Also strangely enough... enchant weapon - major healing is also superior to major spellpower.

So a DK has to slog back to the newbie zones to level up their gathering skills?

Oh man.
Yes, but DKs start with a 100% ground speed mount at 55 by doing a couple of easy quests. It isn't that bad.
They need to redistrubute $$.

90% of the poorest people in american have the 30% of the money

that;s rediculous

no wonder america is full of bad games.
Any word on what has replaced the bear mount on the Zul'Aman timed chest #4?
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