Tobold's Blog
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Public apology to GOA

I'm an idiot. I entered the PBOB01 code instead of the PCEA01 code. The former is the open beta code, which *was* expired, which explains the error message I got. (Although I do wish error messages were a bit more explicit, like "That's an open beta code, you dumbass" in this situation, instead of "this key has expired"). The latter is the headstart code, which I should have noticed if I had read the leaflet correctly. My apologies to GOA, mea culpa, that one was completely my fault.
so how is the head start going? Any issues getting in?
In Germany (so i guess it's for all EU) everything went fine. Servers are stable and population is growing.
What server you're rolling on Tobold?

Don't you hate it when this kind of thing happens, Tobold? I've been in a similar situation where something I wrote went out to about 1000 people and I had to retract it later. I know exactly how you feel... /facepalm
Oops. Apology is nice, but should you not consider retracting your previous post?
to retract the post would look like hes covering up his mistake. replying immediately with another post is the best way to handle it.

Good on ya Tobold.
I formated the wrong text with strikethrough now, and added an EDIT pointing to this post. Best I can do, really. Deleting the post would not only look like a cover-up, but would also only work for people who read the blog directly. As soon as the post is on the feed, it's nearly impossible to completely retract.
@Joel: Didn't realise that to be honest. Seems sensisble.

@Tobold: Note that I am of the opinion that your honesty and clarity is admirable (also the statement you receive a free US WAR subscription.. although no one could have found out without Mythic telling).

Does it not bother you that as a known blogger any accidental mistake has a high chance of being measured out negatively in the public blogosphere?
I know you don't use your real name, but still. I would imagine Tobold is sort of like a second identity know. That identity being "attacked" must also hurt in a sence.
Everything ran fine this time :). Hadn't expected that from GOA tbh.
Does it not bother you that as a known blogger any accidental mistake has a high chance of being measured out negatively in the public blogosphere? I know you don't use your real name, but still. I would imagine Tobold is sort of like a second identity know. That identity being "attacked" must also hurt in a sence.

When I made a mistake, I have no problem fessing up to it. Actually it hurts more when I make innocent remarks like "I cancelled my WoW account", and "Tobold quits WoW" appears as headline on WoWInsider with dozens of negative posts.

Even if some companies started treating me like press, I'm still just a regular guy, a one-man show, just a blogger. I don't have an editor verifying everything I say, like a real journalist would have. I make mistakes, and the best I can do when that happens is admitting it.
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