Tobold's Blog
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This key has expired - WAR Europe headstart

I am now officially screwed out of my Euro WAR Collector's Edition headstart. The CE headstart key I received got borked, probably when I tried to use it during GOA's registration site troubles. Now when I try the new page for headstart code entry, I get an "this key has expired" error message. And when I try to log into the game with my closed / open beta userid and password, I get an authentication failure. Which means that the previous registration didn't work well enough to get me into the headstart, but did register enough to make my key useless. Worst of all possible combinations. :( And of course GOA doesn't have anything resembling a working customer support up.

[EDIT: My fault. I entered the wrong key. See apology in later post.]

I reacted in a typical MMORPG player fashion, in the completely crazy way that counts as "rational" in our circles: I quickly grabbed a SE preorder direct download from, so I at least have the SE headstart key for tomorrow. Rewarding GOA for failure, sounded like a good plan. Anyway, rumor has it that there isn't much of a difference, as the Euro CE headstart supposedly only starts at 7 pm my time, to be simultaneous with the US CE headstart (1 pm EDT). So I guess tonight I'll hope I can get into the US headstart with my media account, and assuming no further catastrophes I'll start in Europe tomorrow.

[EDIT: Rumor was wrong. European CE servers started at 3 pm CET, or 4 hours before the US. Unbelievable! And I'm still locked out. :( ]
well you could at least try to use their help form ( if its gonna do any good is another question thought :D
At WHA there is a post (not offical but from WHA staff) that the EU headstart is not postponed. Only the US servers start a little bit later.
I was amazed that i could actually get my CE codes (both headstart and item) registered at around 10AM Amsterdam time. Seems GOA has learned a little by opening the registration feature early (presumably 01AM; i guess some fanatics were actually behind their pc screens at that moment:D) and not 5 minutes before servers up.

That said, there are still people with problems (just look at several forums) so all is not well at GOA HQ. But maybe they are on the right track, sort of..Lets hope so.
This is all rather predictable. I have a SE key but am not sure having the benefit of early entry via a headsup is that important anymore...
Good day Tobold!
Magnus here, English WAR Community Manager, Europe.

The European Head Start just opened, at 15:20 CET.

To address your problem. Keys cannot become invalid. We did have problems during the Open Beta where players would receive 'Key not valid' error messages. This was caused by a failing connection with our databases though; after we fixed this problem, these keys worked fine.

The Collector's Edition Head Start access codes should start with PCEA01. Make sure this is the code you are attempting to insert, and not the Open Beta code or the bonus item code.

There is also the possibility that you're mis-reading the code printed on your flyer. The number 0 is always printed as an 0 with a line through it, so an O without a line is the letter O. Also, G can look like nr 6, D can look like O etc. We are naturally not happy with how these codes were printed.

I'm trying to keep vital issues updated via update threads. So far I've been preoccupied with the very general state of the Open Beta and Head Start release, but now when things are up and running I'll put more Q&A sort of content up there. Bookmark and look back for updates.
Open Beta update thread (old but you may find some useful information here)

Pre-Launch update thread (just started it today. Will be updated continuously throughout the week to come)

I'm sorry I can't provide a conclusive solution to your problem right now, but I can reassure you that your CE HS key not invalid. Keep trying and you'll get there!

Nice to see Magnus posting here. Do you visit everyone's blog for personal support now? :o)
The funny thing is:
With only starting the CE-preorders today most servers are in queue now...wonder how long i`ll have to wait to play in 4 days...
and i wondered how smooth the registration was this morning :/
so i`ll play some WoW tonight it seems...thanx alot

I take it your playing destruction? Remember they said they would have soft caps for the realm with the most players to keep things competitive.

Also I believe they are limiting total numbers a lot at the moment. If the server can handle 10,000 people at once, I very much doubt it can handle them all in the T1 zone.
Now that really is good customer service ;) In happier news, yes, I'm in and have been for a few hours now (Euro-side). All been very smooth..
After reading this i also bought the game from d2duk, seeing it as a sounds solution.

I read the site info quick purchase & start downloading immediately.

I soon discovered that after purchasing the game this was not to be the case at all. I'm currently in a download queue for 90 min and the timer is going up not down. They do not supply instant downloads, there is a wait time.

Clearly this is not your fault, i can wait till Friday if i really have to. But buyer beware d2d is not always plain sailing nor is it immediate, yet another tail of woe and trepidation
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